7 Tips to Deal with Stress from Sabotaging Coworkers
July 15, 2022
So, you have a sabotaging coworker on your hands. How do you deal with them? The key is to take a deep breath and remember that the situation is not personal. It’s just about their own insecurities, frustrations, or professional jealousies. In this article we’re going to give some tips for dealing with toxic coworkers who are trying to make your life harder and increasing your stress levels.
Sabotaging coworkers
You can’t stop your coworker from sabotaging you, but you can control how you react. If a coworker is sabotaging you, the best thing to do is work smart and avoid reacting to their actions. Here are some tips for dealing with the stress of having a sabotaging coworker:
Don’t let their sabotaging get inside your head. It might be tempting to get angry or frustrated by their behavior, but this will only increase the stress level in your head and body.
Don’t engage with them on social media if they post something negative about you or your project.
Don’t engage with them at their level the less petty interaction between the two of you, the better!
The silent assassin is the coworker who doesn’t want to be noticed or heard. They will often attack you indirectly by spreading rumors, intentionally undermining you and creating in-fighting among the team.
These types of people are not a team player but rather take on the role as lone wolfs. These are dangerous individuals because they don’t have your back when things get rough, and instead try to cause more stress by causing problems for everyone else! They don’t play nice and they love bringing the drama!
When someone is being passive-aggressive toward you, it’s important be aware. You’ll want to address it appropriately so that other people don’t think you’re the rude or unreasonable one.
When they actively try to bring you down
This kind of coworker is actively trying to make your life harder. They’re either trying to get you fired, undermine your reputation with leadership and clients, or sabotage personal relationships with coworkers and clients. If a coworker is doing this to you, it’s important that you take action right away because they will likely escalate their behavior if left unchecked.
Consider the following options:
Talk one-on-one with the person who has been acting out (if possible). This could help resolve any issues that have arisen which may not be addressed in a group setting. The goal here is to create an environment where both parties can air their grievances without fear of retribution from other coworkers.
If talking doesn’t work, consult HR or another trusted supervisor for guidance on how best handle situations like these that fall outside of normal office protocol (not every workplace has procedures for when someone has been bullying their colleagues).
They do things just to make you angry
Some people sabotage their coworkers by doing things just to make them angry. They might steal your ideas, take credit for the work you do, or undermine your efforts in order to look good in comparison. This is a form of passive-aggressive behavior, and it can be difficult to deal with because it’s so indirect and subtle.
The best way to approach this type of person is by acknowledging that they are being manipulative and then trying not to let their actions get under your skin. Instead focus on what you have control over: yourself! Try not letting them get inside your head; otherwise they win!
They’re making your life more difficult on purpose
Most of the time, people are just trying to do their best and get along with others. That’s why it can be so frustrating when a coworker just doesn’t care about anyone else.
But there are some people who love making your life more difficult on purpose. They want you to fail because they’re jealous or bitter about something that happened in the past or because they simply don’t care about anyone except themselves.
It may seem like you should just ignore these toxic personalities, but if they’re causing problems for other team members, then talking your supervisor or HR might just the thing getting back on track.
When a coworker takes credit for your work, it can be hard to deal with. You might feel like you’re being manipulated or not getting the credit you deserve. It’s important to document your work so that you have evidence of what is yours, and who is taking advantage of you. If there are supportive coworkers or your supervisor who are willing to support you in this situation, reach out to them. Sometimes just having someone else acknowledge what’s happening can help make things feel better. Especially if its your boss who’s taking credit for your work.
Dealing with a sabotaging coworker can be stressful but working on your own self-esteem can help you feel better about the situation
Work on your self-esteem.
Focus on the positives.
Be confident in your abilities.
Don’t let them get to you.
Don’t let them see you sweat.
Document, document, and document! Address the situation with your supervisor or HR (using your documentation).
Be willing to vote for your own mental health by finding another position if the situation is not resolved.
In conclusion, dealing with a sabotaging coworker can be stressful and frustrating, but there are ways to manage the situation. Working on your own self-esteem and learning how to communicate with them in a positive way will help you clearer better about the situation. So that you can take the appropriate actions needed to resolve your stress and improve your mental health.
Twanna Carter, Ph.D., Career Transition Coach. I help high achieving professional women who are anxious about transitioning into a new career, have absolute confidence and belief in their own abilities, so they can communicate their unique value, honor their true purpose, and boldly pursue their dream career.
Are you done with stress? Are you ready for freedom?
If you’re ready to learn how to manage your stress, overcome obstacles, and live a life that’s truly your own, ask me about my Mental Health Fitness coaching program.
In 7 short weeks watch your life change! So that you can finally start living the life you want. Request a 30-minute Career Solution Call with me today!
P.S. – Here is a video I made about the signs of a toxic coworker. Click below to watch it.
21 Telltale Signs a Coworker Is Out to Sabotage You
Addressing the Silent Struggle of Black Women in the Workplace What Is Quiet Quitting? Aisha*, is a talented and driven Black woman who has spent over a decade climbing the corporate ladder to become a director. Every day, she walks into her sleek, modern office, a space that should reflect her hard-earned success and leadership.… Read more: What Is Quiet Quitting? Addressing the Silent Struggle
If you’ve been thinking that you’ll never find fulfillment in your work, I’m here to tell you that your dream career is possible with a career shift and the right mindset and actions. Many of us have found ourselves stuck in careers that don’t light us up. Whether it’s the weight of self-doubt, the paralyzing… Read more: Trapped in the Wrong Career? Here’s How to Do a Career Shift
Are you tired of sending resume after resume and not getting any response from potential employers? It can be frustrating when you’re putting in all the effort to find a job, but not getting any job interviews. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many job seekers face the same challenge. In this article, we… Read more: Unlocking the Secrets: 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Job Interviews
Have you ever woken up dreading the workday ahead, feeling tired, unfulfilled, and questioning whether you’re on the right career path? If so, you’re not alone. Many professionals reach a point in their careers where the excitement fades, and the daily grind becomes more draining than fulfilling. The good news is that it’s never too… Read more: Tired & Unfulfilled? 3 Tips to Redefine Your Professional Career
Imposter syndrome can sneak up on the best of us, manifesting as a nagging doubt that somehow, despite our accomplishments, we’re just faking it. If you’ve ever wondered, “what’s imposter syndrome?” you’re not alone. It’s a widespread issue that leads you to question your achievements and worry that others will reveal you as a fraud.… Read more: What’s Imposter Syndrome? Impact on Introverts Explained
Navigating the Maze of Career Stagnation Have you ever felt like your career path is a confusing maze without a clear exit? You’re not alone. Many professionals find themselves navigating a series of detours, unsure if they’re even on the right path toward their goals. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind,… Read more: Is Your Career Path a Clear Roadmap or Just a Series of Detours?
My Journey as a Black Business Owner with Social Anxiety August is National Black Business Month, a time to celebrate the rich history and contributions of Black entrepreneurs in America. As a Black business owner of two companies, who has social anxiety, I am proud to carry forward a legacy that dates back to the… Read more: From Social Anxiety to Successful Entrepreneurship
Is Your Boss Trying to Push You Out? Navigating the corporate world can be challenging, especially when you start to feel like your boss might be pushing you out. It’s a situation that many Black women face in the workplace, where subtle signs of being managed out can often go unnoticed. Here’s a list of… Read more: 25 Signs You’re Being Managed Out of Your Job!
Janine, a highly respected executive, walks into her office every day with a smile that hides the weight of the world on her shoulders. She’s known for her strength, resilience, and unbreakable spirit. But behind closed doors, Janine grapples with an invisible load that’s crushing her from within. The superwoman myth has painted Black women… Read more: Superwoman Syndrome: The Secret Struggles of Black Women
Black women leaders often carry an immense burden of responsibility. We’re expected to excel in our careers, nurture our families, and often, serve as pillars of our communities. This relentless drive to succeed can lead to a pervasive sense of guilt when we prioritize self-care. It’s time to break free from this guilt trap and… Read more: Breaking Free from the Guilt Trap: Prioritizing Self-Care as a Black Woman Leader
Navigating isolation at work can feel like an uphill battle, especially for Black women in predominantly white spaces. Imagine this: You’re the only Black woman in a room full of colleagues. You’ve worked hard to get there, but despite your accomplishments, a subtle yet persistent feeling of being an outsider lingers. This scenario is all… Read more: Navigating Isolation: Tips for Black Women in Corporate Spaces
Imagine walking into a room where every face is familiar but none like yours. For many Black women in mid to senior careers, this is not just an occasional occurrence but a daily reality. Making it difficult to manage anxiety. According to the TIAA Institute, Black women are significantly underrepresented in corporate leadership roles, making… Read more: Powerful Tips to Manage Anxiety and Lead Confidently
So, you have a sabotaging coworker on your hands. How do you deal with them? The key is to take a deep breath and remember that the situation is not personal. It’s just about their own insecurities, frustrations, or professional jealousies. In this article we’re going to give some tips for dealing with toxic coworkers who are trying to make your life harder and increasing your stress levels.
Sabotaging coworkers
You can’t stop your coworker from sabotaging you, but you can control how you react. If a coworker is sabotaging you, the best thing to do is work smart and avoid reacting to their actions. Here are some tips for dealing with the stress of having a sabotaging coworker:
Don’t let their sabotaging get inside your head. It might be tempting to get angry or frustrated by their behavior, but this will only increase the stress level in your head and body.
Don’t engage with them on social media if they post something negative about you or your project.
Don’t engage with them at their level the less petty interaction between the two of you, the better!
The silent assassin is the coworker who doesn’t want to be noticed or heard. They will often attack you indirectly by spreading rumors, intentionally undermining you and creating in-fighting among the team.
These types of people are not a team player but rather take on the role as lone wolfs. These are dangerous individuals because they don’t have your back when things get rough, and instead try to cause more stress by causing problems for everyone else! They don’t play nice and they love bringing the drama!
When someone is being passive-aggressive toward you, it’s important be aware. You’ll want to address it appropriately so that other people don’t think you’re the rude or unreasonable one.
When they actively try to bring you down
This kind of coworker is actively trying to make your life harder. They’re either trying to get you fired, undermine your reputation with leadership and clients, or sabotage personal relationships with coworkers and clients. If a coworker is doing this to you, it’s important that you take action right away because they will likely escalate their behavior if left unchecked.
Consider the following options:
Talk one-on-one with the person who has been acting out (if possible). This could help resolve any issues that have arisen which may not be addressed in a group setting. The goal here is to create an environment where both parties can air their grievances without fear of retribution from other coworkers.
If talking doesn’t work, consult HR or another trusted supervisor for guidance on how best handle situations like these that fall outside of normal office protocol (not every workplace has procedures for when someone has been bullying their colleagues).
They do things just to make you angry
Some people sabotage their coworkers by doing things just to make them angry. They might steal your ideas, take credit for the work you do, or undermine your efforts in order to look good in comparison. This is a form of passive-aggressive behavior, and it can be difficult to deal with because it’s so indirect and subtle.
The best way to approach this type of person is by acknowledging that they are being manipulative and then trying not to let their actions get under your skin. Instead focus on what you have control over: yourself! Try not letting them get inside your head; otherwise they win!
They’re making your life more difficult on purpose
Most of the time, people are just trying to do their best and get along with others. That’s why it can be so frustrating when a coworker just doesn’t care about anyone else.
But there are some people who love making your life more difficult on purpose. They want you to fail because they’re jealous or bitter about something that happened in the past or because they simply don’t care about anyone except themselves.
It may seem like you should just ignore these toxic personalities, but if they’re causing problems for other team members, then talking your supervisor or HR might just the thing getting back on track.
When a coworker takes credit for your work, it can be hard to deal with. You might feel like you’re being manipulated or not getting the credit you deserve. It’s important to document your work so that you have evidence of what is yours, and who is taking advantage of you. If there are supportive coworkers or your supervisor who are willing to support you in this situation, reach out to them. Sometimes just having someone else acknowledge what’s happening can help make things feel better. Especially if its your boss who’s taking credit for your work.
Dealing with a sabotaging coworker can be stressful but working on your own self-esteem can help you feel better about the situation
Work on your self-esteem.
Focus on the positives.
Be confident in your abilities.
Don’t let them get to you.
Don’t let them see you sweat.
Document, document, and document! Address the situation with your supervisor or HR (using your documentation).
Be willing to vote for your own mental health by finding another position if the situation is not resolved.
In conclusion, dealing with a sabotaging coworker can be stressful and frustrating, but there are ways to manage the situation. Working on your own self-esteem and learning how to communicate with them in a positive way will help you clearer better about the situation. So that you can take the appropriate actions needed to resolve your stress and improve your mental health.
Twanna Carter, Ph.D., Career Transition Coach. I help high achieving professional women who are anxious about transitioning into a new career, have absolute confidence and belief in their own abilities, so they can communicate their unique value, honor their true purpose, and boldly pursue their dream career.
Are you done with stress? Are you ready for freedom?
If you’re ready to learn how to manage your stress, overcome obstacles, and live a life that’s truly your own, ask me about my Mental Health Fitness coaching program.
In 7 short weeks watch your life change! So that you can finally start living the life you want. Request a 30-minute Career Solution Call with me today!
P.S. – Here is a video I made about the signs of a toxic coworker. Click below to watch it.
21 Telltale Signs a Coworker Is Out to Sabotage You
Addressing the Silent Struggle of Black Women in the Workplace What Is Quiet Quitting? Aisha*, is a talented and driven Black woman who has spent over a decade climbing the corporate ladder to become a director. Every day, she walks into her sleek, modern office, a space that should reflect her hard-earned success and leadership.… Read more: What Is Quiet Quitting? Addressing the Silent Struggle
If you’ve been thinking that you’ll never find fulfillment in your work, I’m here to tell you that your dream career is possible with a career shift and the right mindset and actions. Many of us have found ourselves stuck in careers that don’t light us up. Whether it’s the weight of self-doubt, the paralyzing… Read more: Trapped in the Wrong Career? Here’s How to Do a Career Shift
Are you tired of sending resume after resume and not getting any response from potential employers? It can be frustrating when you’re putting in all the effort to find a job, but not getting any job interviews. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many job seekers face the same challenge. In this article, we… Read more: Unlocking the Secrets: 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Job Interviews
Have you ever woken up dreading the workday ahead, feeling tired, unfulfilled, and questioning whether you’re on the right career path? If so, you’re not alone. Many professionals reach a point in their careers where the excitement fades, and the daily grind becomes more draining than fulfilling. The good news is that it’s never too… Read more: Tired & Unfulfilled? 3 Tips to Redefine Your Professional Career
Imposter syndrome can sneak up on the best of us, manifesting as a nagging doubt that somehow, despite our accomplishments, we’re just faking it. If you’ve ever wondered, “what’s imposter syndrome?” you’re not alone. It’s a widespread issue that leads you to question your achievements and worry that others will reveal you as a fraud.… Read more: What’s Imposter Syndrome? Impact on Introverts Explained
Navigating the Maze of Career Stagnation Have you ever felt like your career path is a confusing maze without a clear exit? You’re not alone. Many professionals find themselves navigating a series of detours, unsure if they’re even on the right path toward their goals. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind,… Read more: Is Your Career Path a Clear Roadmap or Just a Series of Detours?
My Journey as a Black Business Owner with Social Anxiety August is National Black Business Month, a time to celebrate the rich history and contributions of Black entrepreneurs in America. As a Black business owner of two companies, who has social anxiety, I am proud to carry forward a legacy that dates back to the… Read more: From Social Anxiety to Successful Entrepreneurship
Is Your Boss Trying to Push You Out? Navigating the corporate world can be challenging, especially when you start to feel like your boss might be pushing you out. It’s a situation that many Black women face in the workplace, where subtle signs of being managed out can often go unnoticed. Here’s a list of… Read more: 25 Signs You’re Being Managed Out of Your Job!
Janine, a highly respected executive, walks into her office every day with a smile that hides the weight of the world on her shoulders. She’s known for her strength, resilience, and unbreakable spirit. But behind closed doors, Janine grapples with an invisible load that’s crushing her from within. The superwoman myth has painted Black women… Read more: Superwoman Syndrome: The Secret Struggles of Black Women
Black women leaders often carry an immense burden of responsibility. We’re expected to excel in our careers, nurture our families, and often, serve as pillars of our communities. This relentless drive to succeed can lead to a pervasive sense of guilt when we prioritize self-care. It’s time to break free from this guilt trap and… Read more: Breaking Free from the Guilt Trap: Prioritizing Self-Care as a Black Woman Leader
Navigating isolation at work can feel like an uphill battle, especially for Black women in predominantly white spaces. Imagine this: You’re the only Black woman in a room full of colleagues. You’ve worked hard to get there, but despite your accomplishments, a subtle yet persistent feeling of being an outsider lingers. This scenario is all… Read more: Navigating Isolation: Tips for Black Women in Corporate Spaces
Imagine walking into a room where every face is familiar but none like yours. For many Black women in mid to senior careers, this is not just an occasional occurrence but a daily reality. Making it difficult to manage anxiety. According to the TIAA Institute, Black women are significantly underrepresented in corporate leadership roles, making… Read more: Powerful Tips to Manage Anxiety and Lead Confidently
Welcome to my blog! As a passionate reader and travel enthusiast, I've spent years soaking up stories from diverse cultures and landscapes. I am committed to creating an empowering space where Black women can celebrate their achievements, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration for their journey. I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!
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