a woman squatting in an elevator; imposter syndrome trap and isolation in the workplace for Black women, Coaching for imposter syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

The Imposter Syndrome Trap: Why Black Women Feel Isolated at Work

According to a HealthCentral article, 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. However, for Black women, the numbers are even more troubling. For Black women, dealing with imposter syndrome trap sets them up for isolation when they are promoted to leadership roles. Impostor syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

close up of African American woman; Eldest Daughter Syndrome Help, Eldest Daughter Syndrome Mindset Shift, Eldest Daughter Syndrome Coaching, Black women

Eldest Daughter at Work

10 Ways Eldest Daughter Syndrome Hurts Your Career

Growing up, the eldest daughter often finds herself thrust into a role laden with responsibilities. Imagine a young girl, not yet in her teens, already balancing homework with helping her younger siblings, mediating disputes, and even assisting with household chores. As the firstborn, she’s expected to be the role model, the helper, and sometimes, even […]

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Confident Black women looking at laptop; Salary negotiation tips for Black women Salary negotiation strategies for professional Black women How to negotiate a higher salary for Black women Salary negotiation coaching for Black female executives

Salary Negotiation

10 High-Impact Salary Negotiation Tactics for Black Women

Bridging the Wealth Gap Through Salary Negotiation Despite significant strides in the workplace, an unsettling disparity persists in the financial fabric of America. According to recent research by Pew Research Center, the wealth gap between Black women and white men remains stark, particularly in salary negotiations. Black women often face severe disadvantages in terms of […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Executive Presence

How to Master Executive Presence and Command the Room

Command the Room What is executive presence? Have you ever been in a room and someone walked in and you felt an invisible energy shift?  Maybe all eyes turned one way, or a hush fell over the conversation. That’s the power of executive presence. It’s a captivating quality that inspires trust, respect, and a sense […]

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Confident introvert Confidence and power Anxiety and confidence Zero self esteem Zero confidence Your confidence Ways to gain confidence Unstoppable confidence To be more confident The power of self confidence The power of confidence The confidence coach Strong self confidence Self worth and self esteem Self worth Self esteem goals Self esteem coach Self confidence in leadership Self confidence hypnosis Self confidence coach Professional confidence Hypnosis for self esteem Hypnotherapy for confidence Having self confidence Get more confidence Confidence coach near me; Build a Resilient Future: 5 Empowering Strategies for Black Women

Career Tips

Change Your Career with Power & Principles Coaching

Empowering Black Female Executives to Achieve Work-Life Harmony and Unleash Their Full Potential Are you ready to confidently change of your career, without compromising your values or personal life? Look no further than our transformative coaching program, Power & Principles: Confidently Command Your Career (without compromising your values or personal life).  A coaching program that […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

a woman with her eyes closed; Self-care-Best-Black-career-coach-Washington-DC

Work Life Integration

Breaking Free from the Guilt Trap: Prioritizing Self-Care as a Black Woman Leader

Black women leaders often carry an immense burden of responsibility. We’re expected to excel in our careers, nurture our families, and often, serve as pillars of our communities. This relentless drive to succeed can lead to a pervasive sense of guilt when we prioritize self-care. It’s time to break free from this guilt trap and […]

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Black business woman in conference in corporate manager; Navigating-Isolation-Tips-for-Black-Women-in-Corporate-Spaces_Twanna-Carter; best Black career coach for women Washington, DC

Isolated and Lonely at Work

Navigating Isolation: Tips for Black Women in Corporate Spaces

Navigating isolation at work can feel like an uphill battle, especially for Black women in predominantly white spaces. Imagine this: You’re the only Black woman in a room full of colleagues. You’ve worked hard to get there, but despite your accomplishments, a subtle yet persistent feeling of being an outsider lingers. This scenario is all […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

a woman with her hand on her forehead; anxiety-coach-near-me-overcome-work-related-anxiety-through-coaching; manage anxiety

Anxiety Management

Powerful Tips to Manage Anxiety and Lead Confidently

Imagine walking into a room where every face is familiar but none like yours. For many Black women in mid to senior careers, this is not just an occasional occurrence but a daily reality. Making it difficult to manage anxiety. According to the TIAA Institute,  Black women are significantly underrepresented in corporate leadership roles, making […]

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Career Guidance

Thriving with ADHD: Career Coaching for Black Women Leaders

Conquering the Workplace with ADHD: Strategies for Black Women in Mid-to-Senior Careers Imagine being a highly accomplished Black woman leader, yet facing constant feedback about focus, attention to detail, or timeliness. These could be signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. But for Black women in mid-to-senior level careers, these challenges can often be misinterpreted as […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop; Is-Your-Boss-Sabotaging-Your-Success__Twanna-Carter

Sabotaging Boss

Is Your Boss Sabotaging Your Success? 9 Signs to Watch For 

Have you ever walked into your office with confidence, only to leave feeling a lump of dread in the pit of your stomach? Is your boss sabotaging you, making you feel deflated and questioning your abilities? This unsettling experience is all too familiar for many Black women in the workplace. Imagine that you’ve just delivered […]

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a woman sitting on a couch with her feet on a coffee table; Work-life balance tips; work life balance coaching

Work Life Integration

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Transform Your Life with These Work-Life Balance Tips!

In the hustle and bustle of today’s professional world, the concept of work-life balance often feels like a distant dream rather than an attainable reality. For many Black women navigating mid to senior career roles, the challenge of balancing a demanding career with personal well-being can feel like walking a tightrope. Consider the story of […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Lonely-woman-standing-in-a-crowd-isolation-Black-women; Career coaching for Black women in senior roles; Coaching services for Black women professionals

Career Guidance

The Lonely Climb – 5 Reasons Black Women Feel Alone at the Top of Their Careers

The Unique Struggles of Black Women in Corporate Environments Reaching the summit of a career should be a moment of triumph. However, for many Black women, this achievement is often overshadowed by loneliness and isolation at work. According to the 2023 Women in the Workplace Study, the “broken rung” is the greatest roadblock women face […]

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happy successful female business team; Black career coach for women; career advancement strategies

Career Advancement

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track Despite breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, many Black women find their careers inexplicably stalling. It’s time to uncover some lesser-known career advancement strategies that can reignite your professional journey. Imagine climbing a mountain, only to find yourself stuck halfway, […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

black-woman-feelin-burned-out; signs of job burnout

Stress & Burnout

7 Signs of Job Burnout Every Black Woman Should Watch For

“Jasmine”, a dynamic mid-career woman, is usually the first to arrive and the last to leave her office. Lately, Jasmine finds herself staring blankly at her computer screen more often, her coffee growing cold beside her. These are clear signs of job burnout, and the creeping fatigue feels almost like a heavy cloak she can’t […]

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a beautiful Black woman in a red sweater; overcome perfectionism; build resilience, confidence

Career Tips

The Perfectionist’s Trap – 13 Secrets to Break Free and Build Unstoppable Resilience!

Are you ready to break free and overcome perfectionism and unlock your full potential? As a seasoned career coach dedicated to empowering women, I’ve witnessed how perfectionism stealthily sabotages our journey towards success. In this blog, we’ll explore “How to break the cycle of perfectionism?” And effective strategies to conquer it and embrace imperfection as […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Career Tips

Proven Goal Setting Techniques for Black Women Professionals

Proven Goal Setting Techniques for Success Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a soul-crushing career maze, unsure which turn leads to the exit of success? Goal setting can be your personal GPS.  Providing the direction and focus you need to navigate the intricate professional landscape.  This blog explores powerful strategies for crafting […]

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Young stylish beautiful african american woman in street, wearing fashion outfit coat, against flags of different countries of the world. overcome imposter syndrome coaching, imposter syndrome for women in leadership, imposter syndrome in the workplace for Black women, best techniques to overcome imposter syndrome, overcome imposter syndrome after promotion,

Imposter Syndrome

Banish Imposter Syndrome: Empowerment Tips for Black Women

Banish Imposter Syndrome “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker This poignant reflection from Alice Walker serves as a beacon for many who navigate the maze of self-doubt, especially those who continually feel like outsiders in their own success stories. Imposter syndrome is […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

woman-pouring-water-glass work-life balance, Work life balance, Work life integration, Work life integration vs balance, Work-life integration, achieve work life balance, tips for work life balance, improve work life balance, work life balance strategies, Image by freepik

Work Life Integration

Thrive with Work-Life Integration: 10 Powerful Strategies 

Shattering the Juggling Act Myth Imagine this: It’s a crisp Monday morning, and as you sip your freshly brewed coffee, the soft sunlight spills across your workspace. However, the tranquility is short-lived. Your calendar notifications start pinging relentlessly—meetings, deadlines, school events for the kids—all demanding a piece of your time. It feels like you’re a […]

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Career Tips

Embracing Change: Your Guide to Mastering Career Transition

Ditch that old compass, for embracing change in your career. Thrive. Ascend. Evolve. This blog is your personalized blueprint for navigating the dynamic landscape of career change. As a high-achieving Black woman, you’ve conquered challenges and shattered expectations. But beneath the surface, a quiet ember of ambition flickers, urging you toward unexplored territories. This is […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

elegant and stylish dark-skinned girl with curly hair and in a white jacket walking around the summer city with coffee and using the phone; biggest career regrets by age, most common career regrets for millennials, signs you're in the wrong career path, how to overcome career regret, is it too late to change careers, career regrets after 10 years, career regrets at 30, career regrets at 40, career regrets at 50, staying in a dead end job regret, not following my passion career regret, prioritizing money over happiness career regret, not taking risks in my career regret, not networking enough career regret, not getting enough education career regret, not negotiating salary career regret, not taking advantage of career opportunities regret, regretting quitting my job, how to avoid career regrets, career regrets in Virginia, Career regrets in Maryland, career regrets in DC, Career regrets in DMV, Career regret in Virginia, Career regret in Maryland, Career regret in DC, Career regret in DMV, career coaching services inVirginia, career coaching services in Maryland, career coaching services in DC, career coaching services in DMV,

Career Tips

Unveiling the #1 Career Regret and How to Fix It Now

Do you have a career regret? Well, meet Jasmine, a woman who climbed the corporate ladder with determination and grace. However, despite her achievements, there was a nagging feeling of career regret that lingered in her mind. She had never negotiated her salary, always accepting the first offer with little push back, and a grateful […]

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Puzzle piece with "guide" spelled out; how to prepare for a potential layoff, signs your company might be having layoffs, what to do after being laid off, best way to find a new job after a layoff, severance package negotiation after layoff, financial aid after a layoff, unemployment benefits after layoff, emotional impact of being laid off, how to talk to your family about a layoff, layoffs in the tech industry, layoffs in tech industry, Tech industry layoffs; healthcare worker layoffs, Layoffs in healthcare, Healthcare layoffs, Health care layoffs, teacher layoffs, Job cuts in tech industry, Job cuts in fintech industry, Job cuts in fintech, Job cuts in tech, Fintech layoffs, Job cuts in finance, Layoffs in finance, Layoffs in finance industry, how to prepare for potential layoffs, signs a company is about to lay off employees, what to do if you get laid off, severance package negotiation after layoff, unemployment benefits after layoff emotional impact of layoffs, how to find a new job after a layoff,

Career Tips

Layoff Survival Guide 

Navigating a layoff is a challenging experience for anyone, but for Black women, the journey can be uniquely complex. As we strive to excel in our careers, we often face systemic barriers and biases that can make job loss even more devastating. In this Layoff Survival Guide, we aim to provide you with the tools, […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

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Meet Dr. Twanna

Welcome to my blog! As a passionate reader and travel enthusiast, I've spent years soaking up stories from diverse cultures and landscapes. 
I am committed to creating an empowering space where Black women can celebrate their achievements, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration for their journey.
I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!

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