Career Tips

How Are Self-Image & Success are Linked?

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How Are Self-Image & Success are Linked?

March 2, 2022

Career Tips

How do you feel about your self-image? Have you ever felt like you’re living your life on autopilot? Like you do the same things every day without really thinking about them? Are you tired of feeling like a hamster on a wheel running and running, but getting nowhere?

Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S., will change your life.

The book looks at the importance of self-image and how you can change your life by re-programming the mechanism in your brain that controls your behavior and thoughts. It was considered one of the most important books ever written in the field of psychology when it was released in 1960, and it’s just as powerful today.

Cybernetics and Self-Image

Cybernetics is the study of communication and control in the human body, animals, and machines.

The Greek word “cybernetic” comes from the word steersman.” The term is often used to refer to how machines and animals control and communicate.

A computer, for example, is a sophisticated machine that organizes itself to perform a function.

We are cybernetic being. But we also have an inner life within us that allows us to know ourselves better than any other animal or machine can. Dr. Maxwell Maltz believes that as humans, we are more than our cybernetic nature because we actually have the ability to know ourselves and find out what makes us tick.

Low self-esteem and negative self-talk often hold people back from reaching their greatest potential. If you can recognize and deal with your negative thinking, you will be able to achieve greater success.

Understanding your negative self-image will help you know how to rid yourself of the negative thoughts and actions that led to those feelings of self-loathing, which will ultimately make it easier for you to accept yourself.

Overcoming Self-criticism

Overcoming a lifetime of self-criticism requires focus and commitment. Books such as Psycho Cybernetics, and other information online, as well as in other books, can provide tools for overcoming low self-esteem.

Negative thoughts about your abilities and limitations are negative habits that will hinder you if you do not replace them with more positive thoughts and habits. Rewrite those thoughts in a way that helps you believe in yourself.

Whether you’re looking for a way to improve your self-image or just want to learn how to love yourself, there are many methods that can help you on your quest. One method doesn’t fit all, so take your time to look over the various ways that you can begin to enjoy a more vital self-image and perhaps combine several to see which works best for you.

You can find inspiration with these great tips:

1. Practice positive affirmations
2. Set realistic goals
3. Try a new hobby
4. Surround yourself with good influences
5. Take care of your physical health
6. Meditate or journal regularly

You deserve to be happy with who you are, and you can explore different methods that work best for you.

You’ve got this!

Even if you’ve been dealing with negative self-talk and low self-esteem for your entire life, it’s never too late to turn things around. But remember, like any bad habit, self-defeating thoughts must be dealt with every moment of every day until the bad habit is replaced with a good one and one that will improve your self-image.

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Twanna Carter Professional & Personal Coaching helps high achieving professional women who are anxious about transitioning into a new career, have absolute confidence and belief in their own abilities, so they can communicate their unique value, honor their true purpose and boldly pursue their dream career.

Schedule a 30-minute Career Solution Call here.

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