Are you a Black woman ready to discover the secret to overcoming under-appreciation, escaping the overworked cycle, and unlocking true fulfillment in both your career and personal life?

Are you feeling stuck in your career?

It's not uncommon to feel like you're not progressing or that you're unsure of where to go next. We understand that poor work-life balance, difficulty managing stress, and feeling undervalued can all contribute to dissatisfaction and stagnation in your professional life.

Our expert career coaching will help you identify your passions, overcome your fears, and build the confidence you need to pursue new opportunities and promotions.


Are you struggling to see a clear path for growth and advancement?  

 It's easy to feel lost or unsure about your career goals, but that doesn't mean you're stuck. Our team can help you identify your passions and interests, set achievable goals, and create a roadmap for success.

With our support and guidance, you can find the clarity and direction you need
to take your career to the next level.


Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and burnout in your professional life?

It's important to take care of your well-being, and our team can help. We'll work with you to identify your stressors, develop coping strategies, and set healthy boundaries. With our support, you can reduce your stress levels, improve your performance, and find a healthier work-life balance. Don't let burnout hold you back - let us help you thrive in your professional life.


The challenge is not to have it all but to
prioritize what you value most.

- Sonia Sotomayor


Thanks to Twanna's guidance, I was able to overcome imposter syndrome and develop a strong sense of confidence in my abilities. I am now a more effective and influential leader in my organization thanks to a promotion.

s.A., New V.P.

I came to Twanna feeling trapped in a career that was going nowhere.  I discovered new possibilities and was able to make a successful career change with a raise! I am now in a position that aligns with my passions and skills, and I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you, Twanna!


Finding a healthy work-life balance seemed impossible for me until I started career coaching with Twanna. She helped me establish boundaries and prioritize what truly matters, both professionally and personally. Now, I'm experiencing greater satisfaction in both areas of my life!


My lack of confidence was holding me back from pursuing new opportunities in my career. Twanna helped me identify and overcome my self-doubt, and with her coaching, I was able to land a promotion I never thought possible. I'm now more confident than ever and excited about my future. 

What makes us different

Personalized, Culturally-Sensitive Approach

Our coaching program is tailored specifically for Black female executives, addressing the unique challenges and experiences they face in their professional journey. We focus on empowering our clients by understanding and acknowledging their specific cultural context and needs.

Comprehensive Skill Development

We offer a holistic coaching experience that targets critical skills for success, including effective communication, networking, and interpersonal skills. Our program equips clients with the tools to navigate workplace dynamics, showcase their accomplishments, and build strong professional connections.

Empowerment through Work-Life Harmony

Our coaching program emphasizes the importance of achieving work-life harmony, fostering a balanced approach to career and personal life. We provide guidance and strategies to help clients manage stress, avoid burnout, and cultivate a fulfilling, well-rounded life.

Career Solution call

Let's work together, yeah yeah yeah!

We guide clients through a process of self-discovery to identify their true passions and align their career paths with their unique strengths and interests. Our approach helps clients develop a clear vision for their long-term objectives, resulting in increased satisfaction and motivation in their professional lives.

Start Your Transformation Today! Schedule a 30-Minute Career Solution Call.

Start Your Transformation Today!
Schedule a 30-Minute Career Solution Call.

Step 1: Request a free Career Solution Call 

First and foremost: I am eager to hear your grand visions and audacious dreams because I am genuinely thrilled about the immense potential that awaits you. Reviewing requests fills me with joy and provides you with the opportunity to envision your future on a grand scale and establish the foundation for what lies ahead.

Step 2: Hop on a Career Solution Call 

Once I've thoroughly reviewed your request, we'll arrange a complimentary discovery call to establish a connection and ensure that we align perfectly! During this call, I'll provide you with detailed information about the coaching process, we'll select a suitable start date, and most importantly, we'll discuss how together we can transform your dreams into a tangible reality, if it's a mutually excellent match!

Step 3: Fill out the signature questionnaire!

After you've signed your contract, you'll have the opportunity to pour your heart into our coaching questionnaire. This questionnaire will serve as the bedrock for all our future endeavors and is an extraordinary tool designed specifically to assist you in defining and gaining absolute clarity around YOUR unique definition of success. Its impact is truly remarkable.

Step 4: Schedule your deep-dive kick-off call!

Once you've completed your questionnaire, it's time to schedule your empowering 90-minute kick-off call! During this call, we'll embark on a journey to transform your grand ideas into an actionable plan for bringing them to life. By the end of the call, you'll be equipped with a newfound clarity regarding your next steps, filled with excitement and motivation for the extraordinary opportunities that lie ahead!

Step 5: Receive your V.I.P. action plan!

You have remarkable ideas and bold dreams, right? These aspirations thrive when accompanied by a plan, prioritized action items, and deadlines. Following our initial call, and each session thereafter, you can expect to receive a personalized list of homework items. I’ll check in on these during our conversations, keeping you accountable and actively progressing towards your dreams as you make them a
resounding reality.

Step 6: Watch in awe as you achieve your dreams!

This is the most remarkable and fulfilling stage of our journey together. Complete awe from my clients when they reflect on their incredible growth, both in their careers and personal lives. It is an extraordinary experience for you and me to witness your dreams manifest into reality. This transformative process will unveil the boundless potential that has always resided within you, allowing you to embrace a future with limitless possibilities.

I'm Ready for My Transformation! Start now! SCHEDULE A 30-MINUTE CAREER SOLUTION CALL.

Free ebook 


Mindful Leadership offers practical strategies to lead with authenticity, empathy, and purposeful decision-making.

Grab the ebook!