
The Guide to Staying Confident in a Competitive Workplace

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The Guide to Staying Confident in a Competitive Workplace

May 6, 2021


Staying confident in a competitive workplace is certainly challenging at times. You may not be confined to a dedicated workspace with specific duties. The employees who understand their value are the ones who contribute the most to the organization. And remain competitive in the workplace.

With fewer jobs available in many industries these days, you have to work smarter in order to keep yours. And that includes bringing your A game in a competitive workplace.

Sometimes that’s easier said than done. And that’s because you may not feel as confident in your abilities. It could also be that you doubt whether or not you deserve consideration over someone else.

Let go of all that self-doubt! Otherwise, you’ll lose out on some great opportunities.

Use these techniques to stay confident in a competitive workplace:

1. Always keep your skills current.

Stay current on relevant certifications and highlight your on-going achievements. Keeping your skills current and learning new knowledge helps to build your confidence. It puts you on a level playing field with or above everybody else.

  • Now you just need to demonstrate why you’re a step above the competition!
  • In most fields, there are typically mini-courses that can help you earn a more recognized certification. And tons of education opportunities from places such as Coursera, EdX, LinkedIn and Udemy to name a few.
  • Remember to read your company’s newsletter. You’ll be able to see the plans that are underway. Using that knowledge, you can then specialize in skills that may be needed in the future roles.

2. Volunteer for a few unpopular jobs.

Everybody lines up to go after the popular jobs that get a lot of attention. Rather than joining the gang to do the same, it’s a good idea to go after the unpopular ones.

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  • Theres no telling who’s watching! While everybody’s eyes are on the popular jobs, there may be one that one person watching over the unpopular jobs. Let them see you handling things effectively.
  • As a plus, you may end up gaining additional skill sets just by going after something off the radar.

3. A little self-promotion will go a long way to stay confident in a competitive workplace.

When you have done something worthy of recognition, don’t hesitate to point it out. Certainly, you don’t have to scream from the rooftop, but you do need to make the right people aware of your accomplishments. Are you an introvert who’s uncomfortable with self-promoting? Check out my free eBook 5 Tips to Self-Promote if You’re an Introvert or Have Anxiety today!

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  • In a team effort, everyones contribution should be highlighted. If you were not recognized on a project, find a creative way to get the word out about your personal contribution. And it doesn’t hurt to also talk up your team members, within reason of course.

4. Display your strengths.

You might be hired as an account executive, but you could have excellent accounting skills. They won’t know it until you show them!

  • Its okay to send an email to your department head. Advise them of your availability to assist on a project unrelated to your field. That’s a subtle way to say, “Hey, I’m really good at this, too!”
  • Its a good move to volunteer for projects whenever possible. Volunteer for projects that fit your skill sets so that you always effectively get the job done. The managers always take note of skills on display, especially at a crucial time for the business.
  • When you know you have an innate skill that sets you apart from everybody else, show it!

5. Give 100% effort to stay confident in a competitive workplace 

Even when you’re not feeling confident, act as if you are confident. The effort you put into your job displays commitment and interest in the company.

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So as you see, staying confident in a competitive workplace is easier than you thought with these techniques. Trust your natural abilities. They can definitely speak for themselves when you give them a voice!

By following these guidelines, you can rest assured that you’ll stand out and make an impressive statement at your workplace.

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Twanna Carter, PhD, ICF/PCC, Career Coach for Black Women Leaders | 20+ Years of Experience Helping Women Achieve Their Career Goals | Leadership |  Personal Development | Business Strategy | Career Development | Lifestyle Balance | Digital Business Card | Free 30-Minute Career Solution Call

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