Career Tips

Career Change: How to Take the Leap & How to Feel Secure

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Career Change: How to Take the Leap & How to Feel Secure

November 22, 2023

Career Tips

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Thinking about changing your career? That’s a big and exciting step! I know it can feel exciting and a bit scary at the same time. But there’s no need to worry. I’m here to help you through every step of this journey. Let’s talk about how you can stay calm and focused while you’re chasing your dreams. We’re going to learn how to make a career change successfully, making sure it’s not just a simple change, but a real improvement in your life. So, let’s start this adventure with a clear mind and a strong heart, ready to move forward to a new and exciting chapter in your career. 🌟

The Dollars and Cents of a Career Change

  1. Stash Some Cash: Before you take the leap, build up a safety net of savings. 💰 Try to estimate how long you might be living on a reduced income and save accordingly. And remember, it never hurts to have a little extra padding.
  2. Downsize Your Digs: If it’s feasible, consider moving to a cheaper place. 🏠 After all, a little less space might be a small price to pay for a big dream.
  3. Become a Home Chef: Eating out can take a big bite out of your budget. 🍽️ So, why not learn some new recipes and enjoy home-cooked meals?
  4. Fun on a Budget: We all need some downtime. Get a library card, volunteer at local events, or explore free entertainment options in your city. 🎭
  5. Keep the Day Job: If possible, hang onto your current job until you’re ready to fully transition. This can provide a steady income while you’re preparing for your new adventure. 
  6. Side Gig: Freelance work or selling handmade crafts can bring in some extra cash while you prepare for the career change. 
  7. Sell Your Stuff: Have things around the house you no longer need? Sell them for a quick cash boost. 💸
  8. Be Realistic: When starting in a new field, you might have to take a junior position. Being able to negotiate a higher salary based on your experience and transferable skills is a bonus! 🎉

You may also want to read Embracing Change: Your Guide to Mastering Career Transition

The Emotional Roller Coaster of a Career Change

1. Do Your Homework: Knowledge is your compass. Don’t stumble blindly into unfamiliar territory by failing to do research for your career change. Dig into your chosen field: devour industry publications, attend webinars, and chat with career-switching veterans. Their hard-won wisdom will illuminate the path ahead.

2. Lean on Your Tribe: No hero goes solo. Forget the “lone wolf” myth. Don’t hesitate to enlist your loved ones – your cheerleaders, your sounding board, your village. Be it sharing household duties or offering emotional support, their strength will fuel your journey.

3. Plan B: Always carry a spare map.🔖 Dream big, but don’t forget reality. Craft a backup plan to navigate unexpected detours. Whether it’s a side hustle or reskilling options, having a safety net will keep you calm when the winds of change pick up and you navigate the career change.

4. Join the Club: You’re not alone on this trek. Seek out fellow adventurers! Job clubs are havens for advice, encouragement, and even potential job leads. Sharing experiences and strategies with like-minded souls can make the climb feel less daunting.✴️

5. Keep Calm and Carry On: Breathe, fellow explorers!🧘🏾‍♂️ Stress can become your nemesis. Master the art of self-care: meditate, lose yourself in calming music, or unleash your inner warrior in a physical activity. A clear mind is a focused adventurer. Especially needed as you concentrate on changing your career.

6. Volunteer: Build your confidence brick by brick. Dive into your new field through volunteering. This practical experience not only polishes your skills but also bolsters your resume and network. Plus, it helps you test-drive your dream career before fully committing.

7. One Step at a Time: Savor the journey, not just the destination. Big changes can feel like scaling Mount Everest – one giant leap at a time. Resist the urge to overhaul everything simultaneously. Take incremental steps, celebrate milestones, and enjoy the gradual transformation.

Switching careers is a bold move that can lead to fulfilling work that truly resonates with you. And set you up to find and maintain work life balance. With careful planning and gradual steps, you’ll feel secure and excited about your new path. 

And remember, ladies, my Power & Principles: Confidently Command Your Career program is here to help you through every step of your career change. Let’s conquer this journey together! 

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Twanna Carter, PhD, PCC, Career Coach. Photo by Renee Wilhite

Twanna Carter, PhD, ICF/PCC, Career Coach for Black Women Leaders | 20+ Years of Experience Helping Women Achieve Their Career Goals | Leadership |  Personal Development | Business Strategy | Career Development | Lifestyle Balance | Digital Business Card | Free 30-Minute Career Solution Call

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Welcome to my blog! As a passionate reader and travel enthusiast, I've spent years soaking up stories from diverse cultures and landscapes. 
I am committed to creating an empowering space where Black women can celebrate their achievements, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration for their journey.
I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!

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