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5 Strategies to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

July 29, 2020

Knowing how to calm your anxiety quickly can never be overrated. Because living with an anxiety disorder can feel like constant vigilance, where any instant has the potential to unfurl into a slow-rising tide of panic. Life was flowing seamlessly one moment, only to transition suddenly. Your chest constricts, heart races. It’s as though a switch has been flipped. This surge of anxiety draws you into a realm of hyper-focus on the horizon, where you become entangled in a bunch of “what-ifs.”

In addition, the turmoil invites self-blame to creep in, condemning you for succumbing to panic’s grip. It’s a downward spiral where those hypothetical scenarios metamorphose into undeniable truths. Yet, the silver lining lies in the abundance of potent tools and techniques at your disposal. With dedication and practice, you can navigate the intricate landscape of anxiety with increasing proficiency, gradually weaving a fabric of resilience that empowers you to seize control over your mental state.

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Black coach
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Breathe Deeply Works Wonders to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

As soon as you feel a panic attack coming on, the first thing to do is stop and gain control of your breath. Nice, deep, slow breathing sends a signal to our brains that everything is safe in our environment. Controlled breathing is one of the most powerful ways to activate your body’s relaxation response. Because of this, it takes your mind and body out of fight or flight mode and put it instantly into a calm and relaxed state.

Acknowledge That You are Anxious

All things considered, it’s important to always remember that anxiety is just a feeling. With this mind, remember that all feelings can go as quickly as they came. Chances are, you’re more than likely, you are having an emotional reaction to a string of thoughts. Accept your anxiety because trying to pretend its not happening will only make matters worse.

With this in mind, be totally clear. Because, by accepting your anxiety, you are not resigning yourself to a life of eternal misery. Not throwing in the towel and trying to suddenly like your anxiety. Nope. Simply living a more mindful existence, being in the moment, and accepting whatever is in that moment with you.

Your Emotions Cannot Kill You

When a panic attack strikes, its terrifying grip often stems from the unsettling resemblance it bears to a heart attack. Despite this unsettling resemblance, the truth remains steadfastโ€”it’s not a heart attack you’re experiencing. In essence, our minds possess the uncanny ability to distort reality, painting it with shades of impending physical danger. At the same time, remember that you stand on solid ground. If your distress derives from a rush of emotions, hold tight to the knowledge that it’s a temporary wave. With unwavering resolve, remind yourself of this truth as many times as the need arises. Understand that the tempest of emotions, though turbulent, eventually abates, leaving you with newfound calmness and clarity.

Questioning Your Thoughts Can Lead You to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

As soon as your panic attack begins, your mind begins to throw out all sorts of outlandish ideas at you, hoping some of them stick. These thoughts are intended to keep the panic attack going.

As a matter of fact, before you take any of these thoughts as reality and truth: question them. For instance, if your mind throws things out like,

“no one here likes me”

“I am for sure going to screw this up”

“did I leave the stove on”

“Will I get stuck in bad traffic on the way home”

“if I get a flat I’ll be stranded”

Above all, make sure you challenge these thoughts. Is it really true that everyone around hates you? Probably not. Are you really going to screw up? Probably not. Traffic? Maybe, but a flat tire? Chances are slim.

Here’s How Visualization Works to Calm Anxiety

In order to visualize, close your eyes and picture a place that brings you peace and calm. It could be anywhere: your grandparents’ old house, a lakeside cabin, or a beachfront condo. With attention to detail, take a moment to really visualize this place in your mind’s eye. Particularly, see the sights, smell the smells, and feel the textures. Notice how calm and peaceful you feel in this place. This is your safe space, where you can relax and let go of all your worries.

As shown above, these techniques can quickly reduce anxiety. Particularly, they should help you feel much calmer much sooner.

In conclusion, if you are struggling with anxiety, please know that you are not alone. I have helped many women who have been through what you are going through and who have found relief and been able to enjoy their careers. With the right help, you can too.

Is it time to enhance your leadership journey?

In order to get a deeper dive, get our free eBook, Mindful Leadership: Practices for Women Executives. Unlock valuable insights to mindfulness and managing anxiety as a leader. Ultimately, you will complete these 5 Strategies to Calm Anxiety. Click below to sign up now!


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5 Strategies to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

July 29, 2020


Knowing how to calm your anxiety quickly can never be overrated. Because living with an anxiety disorder can feel like constant vigilance, where any instant has the potential to unfurl into a slow-rising tide of panic. Life was flowing seamlessly one moment, only to transition suddenly. Your chest constricts, heart races. It’s as though a switch has been flipped. This surge of anxiety draws you into a realm of hyper-focus on the horizon, where you become entangled in a bunch of “what-ifs.”

In addition, the turmoil invites self-blame to creep in, condemning you for succumbing to panic’s grip. It’s a downward spiral where those hypothetical scenarios metamorphose into undeniable truths. Yet, the silver lining lies in the abundance of potent tools and techniques at your disposal. With dedication and practice, you can navigate the intricate landscape of anxiety with increasing proficiency, gradually weaving a fabric of resilience that empowers you to seize control over your mental state.

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Black coach
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Black women in tech

Breathe Deeply Works Wonders to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

As soon as you feel a panic attack coming on, the first thing to do is stop and gain control of your breath. Nice, deep, slow breathing sends a signal to our brains that everything is safe in our environment. Controlled breathing is one of the most powerful ways to activate your body’s relaxation response. Because of this, it takes your mind and body out of fight or flight mode and put it instantly into a calm and relaxed state.

Acknowledge That You are Anxious

All things considered, it’s important to always remember that anxiety is just a feeling. With this mind, remember that all feelings can go as quickly as they came. Chances are, you’re more than likely, you are having an emotional reaction to a string of thoughts. Accept your anxiety because trying to pretend its not happening will only make matters worse.

With this in mind, be totally clear. Because, by accepting your anxiety, you are not resigning yourself to a life of eternal misery. Not throwing in the towel and trying to suddenly like your anxiety. Nope. Simply living a more mindful existence, being in the moment, and accepting whatever is in that moment with you.

Your Emotions Cannot Kill You

When a panic attack strikes, its terrifying grip often stems from the unsettling resemblance it bears to a heart attack. Despite this unsettling resemblance, the truth remains steadfastโ€”it’s not a heart attack you’re experiencing. In essence, our minds possess the uncanny ability to distort reality, painting it with shades of impending physical danger. At the same time, remember that you stand on solid ground. If your distress derives from a rush of emotions, hold tight to the knowledge that it’s a temporary wave. With unwavering resolve, remind yourself of this truth as many times as the need arises. Understand that the tempest of emotions, though turbulent, eventually abates, leaving you with newfound calmness and clarity.

Questioning Your Thoughts Can Lead You to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

As soon as your panic attack begins, your mind begins to throw out all sorts of outlandish ideas at you, hoping some of them stick. These thoughts are intended to keep the panic attack going.

As a matter of fact, before you take any of these thoughts as reality and truth: question them. For instance, if your mind throws things out like,

“no one here likes me”

“I am for sure going to screw this up”

“did I leave the stove on”

“Will I get stuck in bad traffic on the way home”

“if I get a flat I’ll be stranded”

Above all, make sure you challenge these thoughts. Is it really true that everyone around hates you? Probably not. Are you really going to screw up? Probably not. Traffic? Maybe, but a flat tire? Chances are slim.

Here’s How Visualization Works to Calm Anxiety

In order to visualize, close your eyes and picture a place that brings you peace and calm. It could be anywhere: your grandparents’ old house, a lakeside cabin, or a beachfront condo. With attention to detail, take a moment to really visualize this place in your mind’s eye. Particularly, see the sights, smell the smells, and feel the textures. Notice how calm and peaceful you feel in this place. This is your safe space, where you can relax and let go of all your worries.

As shown above, these techniques can quickly reduce anxiety. Particularly, they should help you feel much calmer much sooner.

In conclusion, if you are struggling with anxiety, please know that you are not alone. I have helped many women who have been through what you are going through and who have found relief and been able to enjoy their careers. With the right help, you can too.

Is it time to enhance your leadership journey?

In order to get a deeper dive, get our free eBook, Mindful Leadership: Practices for Women Executives. Unlock valuable insights to mindfulness and managing anxiety as a leader. Ultimately, you will complete these 5 Strategies to Calm Anxiety. Click below to sign up now!


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I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!

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