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7 Proven Steps to Crush Self-Doubt and Thrive in Your Career

September 23, 2024

What is Self-Doubt?

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough or that you don’t quite measure up? You’re not alone. Self-doubt can creep in at any moment, but you don’t have to let it control your career or your confidence. By taking action with these seven powerful steps, you can overcome self-doubt and step into your full potential.

Take Renee for example, a high-performing professional who had spent years doubting her own potential despite consistently delivering outstanding results. She was hesitant to apply for a promotion she’d been eyeing, fearing she wasn’t “ready” or “qualified enough.” After working with me and implementing the 7 steps to crush self-doubt, Renee transformed her mindset and confidently pursued her career goals.

Here’s how you can get rid of self doubt.

1. Remember Your Past Achievements

Think back to moments when you achieved something significant—big or small. Maybe it was landing a dream job, finishing a degree, or even winning a competition in school. Your brain stores these memories with the emotions attached to them, meaning you can tap into those positive feelings whenever self-doubt arises.

Pro Tip: Keep a “Wins Journal” where you write down all your successes, no matter how small. On tough days, revisit your journal to remind yourself of how capable and resilient you are.

Like Renee, who started keeping a journal of her achievements, this step helped her reconnect with her past successes, reminding her that she had what it takes to go after that promotion.

2. Set Small, Achievable Goals

Confidence grows with each goal you accomplish. Start your day by setting small, actionable goals that are easy to complete. When you hit these goals, your brain rewards you with a dopamine boost, helping you build momentum and crush bigger challenges.

Pro Tip: Start your morning with a goal as simple as making your bed or finishing one task on your to-do list. Small wins set a positive tone for the day and give you the confidence to tackle larger tasks.

Renee used this strategy daily, starting with small wins that built her confidence step by step. As she ticked off small goals, she grew bold enough to take bigger steps, like applying for the promotion.

3. Walk Away from Comparison

Comparing yourself to others is the quickest way to fuel self-doubt. Social media and the workplace can make it easy to feel like you’re falling behind. The truth is, you are on your own journey, and someone else’s success doesn’t diminish your worth or potential.

Pro Tip: When the urge to compare hits, shift your focus inward. Ask yourself what progress you’ve made and what steps you can take next. This re-centers your attention on your personal growth.

For Renee, leaving comparison behind was a game changer. She realized that constantly measuring herself against others only fueled her insecurities, so she focused on her own growth and journey instead.

Video by kali9 from Getty Images Signature
4. Monitor Your Negative Thoughts

We all have negative thoughts from time to time, but letting them take over can be damaging to your confidence. Instead of trying to eliminate these thoughts (which is impossible!), train your brain to shift focus. You have the power to choose what thoughts you give energy to.

Pro Tip: When negative thoughts arise, acknowledge them, but don’t dwell on them. Redirect your mind by focusing on something positive or calming, like a past success, a peaceful image, or even your breath. Practicing mindfulness can help retrain your brain to shift away from negativity.

Renee practiced this regularly. Anytime doubt crept in, she consciously replaced it with a positive memory or affirmation, allowing her to push past negativity and focus on her strengths.

Melaninated Magic - 180 Affirmations to Nurture Your Soul and Unleash Your Black Girl Joy affirmations journal by Twanna Carter

Order a copy of my affirmations journal, Melaninated Magic – 180 Affirmations to Nurture Your Soul and Unleash Your Black Girl Joy. It’s the perfect companion journal to practice positive affirmations so that you can decrease your negative thoughts.

5. Avoid Energy Vampires

Energy vampires—those people who constantly drain your positivity—can leave you feeling exhausted and doubting yourself. These people may be friends, family, or coworkers, but they thrive on negativity and can suck the energy right out of you.

Pro Tip: Spend more time with uplifting, positive people who encourage you. If you can’t avoid energy vampires completely, set boundaries to protect your energy. Prioritize relationships that build you up instead of tearing you down.

Renee started setting boundaries with negative coworkers who drained her energy, choosing instead to surround herself with positive, supportive people who encouraged her growth.

6. Seek Self-Validation

It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation from others, but true confidence comes from within. When you rely too much on external praise, you’re giving others control over how you feel about yourself. Learning to validate yourself is a key step in building unshakable confidence.

Pro Tip: Every time you complete a task or overcome a challenge, take a moment to acknowledge your effort and reward yourself, whether that’s with a self-care activity, a treat, or simply affirming, “I did that!” The more you self-validate, the less you’ll rely on external approval.

Instead of looking to others for approval, Renee began validating her own efforts. She realized her worth wasn’t determined by others’ opinions, giving her the self-assurance she needed to apply for the promotion.

7. Practice Self-Compassion

We’re often our own worst critics. If you struggle with being kind to yourself, think about how you would speak to a friend in a similar situation. Would you be harsh and critical, or supportive and understanding? Chances are, you’d be encouraging. Treat yourself the same way.

Pro Tip: If practicing self-compassion feels difficult, find a childhood picture of yourself and imagine talking to that little version of you. This simple exercise helps you tap into the natural kindness you’d extend to others and apply it to yourself.

Renee had been tough on herself for years, but once she started practicing self-compassion, her mindset shifted. She began treating herself with the kindness she deserved, empowering her to pursue her goals without fear.

Conclusion: Take Action to Silence Self-Doubt

Overcoming self-doubt isn’t about being perfect—it’s about practicing self-compassion, celebrating your wins, and surrounding yourself with positive influences. By following these seven steps, you’ll feel empowered to take control of your confidence and reach new heights in your career and life.

Like Renee, who used these seven steps to crush her self-doubt and land a promotion, you can take action today. If you’re ready to crush self-doubt and step into the confident, successful person you were meant to be, download my free 7 Motivation Killers, and How to Avoid Them ebook to start creating the career of your dreams today!

Watch my latest video on resolving negative thoughts which leads to self-doubt.👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

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I’m an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and career coach for Twanna Carter Professional & Personal Coaching, LLC. I failed my first career transition from the military so badly, it took me the next 10+ years to build my confidence and recover. I know what it feels like to struggle with imposter syndrome and uncertainty about my worth in the workplace. It’s why I am dedicated to empowering Black women. Helping them navigate career change and uncertainty by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to be successful. Schedule a free 30-Minute Career Solution Call today.

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7 Proven Steps to Crush Self-Doubt and Thrive in Your Career

September 23, 2024


What is Self-Doubt?

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough or that you don’t quite measure up? You’re not alone. Self-doubt can creep in at any moment, but you don’t have to let it control your career or your confidence. By taking action with these seven powerful steps, you can overcome self-doubt and step into your full potential.

Take Renee for example, a high-performing professional who had spent years doubting her own potential despite consistently delivering outstanding results. She was hesitant to apply for a promotion she’d been eyeing, fearing she wasn’t “ready” or “qualified enough.” After working with me and implementing the 7 steps to crush self-doubt, Renee transformed her mindset and confidently pursued her career goals.

Here’s how you can get rid of self doubt.

1. Remember Your Past Achievements

Think back to moments when you achieved something significant—big or small. Maybe it was landing a dream job, finishing a degree, or even winning a competition in school. Your brain stores these memories with the emotions attached to them, meaning you can tap into those positive feelings whenever self-doubt arises.

Pro Tip: Keep a “Wins Journal” where you write down all your successes, no matter how small. On tough days, revisit your journal to remind yourself of how capable and resilient you are.

Like Renee, who started keeping a journal of her achievements, this step helped her reconnect with her past successes, reminding her that she had what it takes to go after that promotion.

2. Set Small, Achievable Goals

Confidence grows with each goal you accomplish. Start your day by setting small, actionable goals that are easy to complete. When you hit these goals, your brain rewards you with a dopamine boost, helping you build momentum and crush bigger challenges.

Pro Tip: Start your morning with a goal as simple as making your bed or finishing one task on your to-do list. Small wins set a positive tone for the day and give you the confidence to tackle larger tasks.

Renee used this strategy daily, starting with small wins that built her confidence step by step. As she ticked off small goals, she grew bold enough to take bigger steps, like applying for the promotion.

3. Walk Away from Comparison

Comparing yourself to others is the quickest way to fuel self-doubt. Social media and the workplace can make it easy to feel like you’re falling behind. The truth is, you are on your own journey, and someone else’s success doesn’t diminish your worth or potential.

Pro Tip: When the urge to compare hits, shift your focus inward. Ask yourself what progress you’ve made and what steps you can take next. This re-centers your attention on your personal growth.

For Renee, leaving comparison behind was a game changer. She realized that constantly measuring herself against others only fueled her insecurities, so she focused on her own growth and journey instead.

Video by kali9 from Getty Images Signature
4. Monitor Your Negative Thoughts

We all have negative thoughts from time to time, but letting them take over can be damaging to your confidence. Instead of trying to eliminate these thoughts (which is impossible!), train your brain to shift focus. You have the power to choose what thoughts you give energy to.

Pro Tip: When negative thoughts arise, acknowledge them, but don’t dwell on them. Redirect your mind by focusing on something positive or calming, like a past success, a peaceful image, or even your breath. Practicing mindfulness can help retrain your brain to shift away from negativity.

Renee practiced this regularly. Anytime doubt crept in, she consciously replaced it with a positive memory or affirmation, allowing her to push past negativity and focus on her strengths.

Melaninated Magic - 180 Affirmations to Nurture Your Soul and Unleash Your Black Girl Joy affirmations journal by Twanna Carter

Order a copy of my affirmations journal, Melaninated Magic – 180 Affirmations to Nurture Your Soul and Unleash Your Black Girl Joy. It’s the perfect companion journal to practice positive affirmations so that you can decrease your negative thoughts.

5. Avoid Energy Vampires

Energy vampires—those people who constantly drain your positivity—can leave you feeling exhausted and doubting yourself. These people may be friends, family, or coworkers, but they thrive on negativity and can suck the energy right out of you.

Pro Tip: Spend more time with uplifting, positive people who encourage you. If you can’t avoid energy vampires completely, set boundaries to protect your energy. Prioritize relationships that build you up instead of tearing you down.

Renee started setting boundaries with negative coworkers who drained her energy, choosing instead to surround herself with positive, supportive people who encouraged her growth.

6. Seek Self-Validation

It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation from others, but true confidence comes from within. When you rely too much on external praise, you’re giving others control over how you feel about yourself. Learning to validate yourself is a key step in building unshakable confidence.

Pro Tip: Every time you complete a task or overcome a challenge, take a moment to acknowledge your effort and reward yourself, whether that’s with a self-care activity, a treat, or simply affirming, “I did that!” The more you self-validate, the less you’ll rely on external approval.

Instead of looking to others for approval, Renee began validating her own efforts. She realized her worth wasn’t determined by others’ opinions, giving her the self-assurance she needed to apply for the promotion.

7. Practice Self-Compassion

We’re often our own worst critics. If you struggle with being kind to yourself, think about how you would speak to a friend in a similar situation. Would you be harsh and critical, or supportive and understanding? Chances are, you’d be encouraging. Treat yourself the same way.

Pro Tip: If practicing self-compassion feels difficult, find a childhood picture of yourself and imagine talking to that little version of you. This simple exercise helps you tap into the natural kindness you’d extend to others and apply it to yourself.

Renee had been tough on herself for years, but once she started practicing self-compassion, her mindset shifted. She began treating herself with the kindness she deserved, empowering her to pursue her goals without fear.

Conclusion: Take Action to Silence Self-Doubt

Overcoming self-doubt isn’t about being perfect—it’s about practicing self-compassion, celebrating your wins, and surrounding yourself with positive influences. By following these seven steps, you’ll feel empowered to take control of your confidence and reach new heights in your career and life.

Like Renee, who used these seven steps to crush her self-doubt and land a promotion, you can take action today. If you’re ready to crush self-doubt and step into the confident, successful person you were meant to be, download my free 7 Motivation Killers, and How to Avoid Them ebook to start creating the career of your dreams today!

Watch my latest video on resolving negative thoughts which leads to self-doubt.👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

Black woman-career-coach-leadership-smiling; burnout; Burnout, avoiding burnout, how to overcome burnout, changing careers after burnout, signs of burnout; symptoms of burn; purpose, passion, fatigue, stress, Work-life-balance, work life balance, definition of work life balance, definition of work-life balance, work life balance means, work/life balance, defining work life balance, define work life balance, define work-life balance ;career coaching, career help, corporate coaching, career coaching services, professional coaching, personal coaching, career coaching for women, career goals, career clarity, your career, professional career coach, personal goals, career consultation, personal career coach, career services, coaching for women, career path, professional goals, work coaching, life coach for women, career guide, career plan, life and career coach, crush self-doubt

I’m an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and career coach for Twanna Carter Professional & Personal Coaching, LLC. I failed my first career transition from the military so badly, it took me the next 10+ years to build my confidence and recover. I know what it feels like to struggle with imposter syndrome and uncertainty about my worth in the workplace. It’s why I am dedicated to empowering Black women. Helping them navigate career change and uncertainty by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to be successful. Schedule a free 30-Minute Career Solution Call today.

Read my latest blogs…

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