What’s Mindset Got to Do with It?
June 8, 2022
Your mindset impacts every aspect of your life, from your relationships to your career. If yours is in the gutter, you’re going to have a hard time reaching your goals. But what exactly IS a good mindset? And is it really all that important? Let’s dive into this topic and see what all the fuss is about!
How do I create a better mindset?
Creating a better mindset is simple. It’s all about how you look at the world, yourself, your career, relationships and life.
When I say look at the world, I mean ask yourself:
- How do you see yourself? Do you believe in yourself? What do you think about your work and goals? What are your intentions for your life?
Why is mindset important?
In short, mindset is everything. It determines your success in every aspect of life: your relationships, happiness, health, career and income.
- Mindset affects your success. If you believe that you can succeed at something then you will take the steps necessary to achieve those goals. On the other hand if someone believes that they cannot succeed then they won’t even try!
- Your mindset affects how people perceive you and their perception of you directly correlates to how others treat you (good or bad). A positive attitude will attract other positive people into your life because positivity attracts positivity!
- When it comes to health, those who have a positive attitude towards their body are more likely to maintain healthy habits such as eating well and exercising regularly than those with negative thoughts about themselves or their bodies
How do I change my mindset from negative to positive?
- Start with a small goal.
- Get a coach or mentor to help you set goals and stay motivated.
- Do some research on how to change your mindset and make it happen.
- Be open to feedback from friends, family, and coworkers about the way you talk about yourself, your work, etc., which will give you clues as to what kind of mindset is holding you back so that you can adjust accordingly.
- Surround yourself with positive people who will support whatever endeavor makes them shine and don’t allow negative people into your life at all costs! Its tough enough changing your own habits; why add extra stress by surrounding yourself with people who will hold back?
What is a fixed mindset?
You may be familiar with the term “fixed mindset.” Its the idea that your basic qualities, like your intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. You either have them or you don’t. An example of a person with a fixed mindset might be someone who decides not to pursue their dream job because they think they wont get it because of their lack of talent and/or intelligence.
The opposite of this is what’s known as a growth mindset (also known as being growth oriented). People with growth mindsets believe that their most important qualities can be cultivated through effort, education and training they don’t just accept where they’re at right now and move on from there; instead, they look for ways to improve themselves in order to get ahead professionally and personally.
Can it really be that simple?
Absolutely. And it’s not just a matter of “being positive” either.
Of course, you can’t just wish your way into mindfulness or will power the key to developing these skills is to practice them regularly and consistently over time. But if you want to get to the point where your thoughts are running more in line with reality, it’s important that you keep at it because there’s no magic bullet for changing your mindset.
That means:
- Accepting that being mindful doesn’t always come naturally (and neither does being happy)
- Learning how to recognize negative self-talk when it happens so that you don’t fall prey to unhelpful thinking patterns (e.g., “I’m not smart enough”)
- Practicing mindfulness techniques until they become second nature
So, whats the answer?
The good news is that you can build a new mindset and you can build it on your own.
Changing your mindset isn’t easy, but it is possible. All you need to do is:
- Identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back in life and work and write them down so that they’re visible to yourself and others (you may even want to create some sort of visual representation).
- Write down a few empowering beliefs that support your desired outcome or goal (e.g., “I’m committed,” “I’ll never give up”).
- Ask someone who cares about you for feedback on which belief resonates more strongly with where you currently stand (or would like to be). Then use this information as fuel for taking action on building towards your desired outcome or goal!
Mindset is key to success in your career and relationships.
Your mindset is the way you see the world, yourself, and your career. It’s how you think about yourself, and it drives everything you do.
If your mindset is positive, then it’s going to be easier for you to achieve success in your career and relationships because:
- Positive people are more resilient. They bounce back from setbacks better than those who have a negative worldview. When something doesn’t go their way, they don’t get down on themselves or give up because of one setback; instead, they focus on their goals and work hard until they achieve them.
- Positive people are more likely to succeed in most areas of life because they believe in themselves enough not only to try something but also believe that they have what it takes to succeed at it (which makes them more willing than others may be).
Of the many decisions that you make in your life, one of the most important is to decide what mindset you’ll have. Will it be fixed, or will it be growth? How you answer this question can have a profound impact on how successful you are in every aspect of your life.
Your mindset will determine whether or not you’re able to take advantage of opportunities when they arise; whether or not people want to work with and for you; and even how happy you feel about yourself. Ultimately, we hope that this article has given you the tools and motivation to create a more growth-oriented mindset for yourself and if it hasn’t at first sight, we hope that it will at least inspire some reflection!
Twanna Carter, Ph.D., Career Transition Coach. I help high achieving professional women who are anxious about transitioning into a new career, have absolute confidence and belief in their own abilities, so they can communicate their unique value, honor their true purpose, and boldly pursue their dream career.
Follow my social media LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, and Medium accounts here.
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