11 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Think Confidently
April 18, 2022
So you want to improve your self-esteem and confidence? We get it, we’ve all been there before. But don’t worry: you’re going to be just fine. There are plenty of simple things you can do to build confidence and feel better in no time. Here are a few of our favorites.
1. Why not start by learning a new skill?
When you learn a new skill and become good at it, your confidence will no doubt grow. This is especially true if the skill benefits something you already do. When you become comfortable with the new skill, you’ll feel better about yourself and be more confident.Being able to master new skills quickly is also a skill on its own, so youre building on top of your existing skillset by learning new things quickly. This alone can help boost your confidence levels because now you know that if there is something new that needs to be learned or mastered for work or personal reasons, then it can be done within a short period of time.
Being able to master new skills quickly is also a skill on its own, so youre building on top of your existing skillset by learning new things quickly. This alone can help boost your confidence levels because now you know that if there is something new that needs to be learned or mastered for work or personal reasons, then it can be done within a short period of time.
2. Pay attention to your posture because it’s linked to self-esteem.
Good posture can be a difficult habit to get into, but it’s an important one to maintain! It makes you look more confident and professional, and it also improves your physical health.

Here’s a great way to practice your posture: imagine there’s a string attached to the top of your head. When you feel that string pulling you upward, try to stand up straight and keep your head up as much as possible, even when you’re walking around or sitting on the couch!
3. Get dressed in your favorite outfit every morning.
It’s amazing what putting on an outfit that makes you feel great can do for your mood and confidence.
A nice outfit can definitely make you feel more confident, but we like to think it goes both waysthat feeling confident also helps you look good, whatever you’re wearing.
So if you’re looking to feel good in any situation, whether it’s a job interview or a hot date, here’s our advice: wear something that makes you feel like the baddest version of yourself.
4. Make time to relax at least once per day.
Find a way to calm yourself down and collect your thoughts by meditating or taking care of yourself in some other way even going outside for fresh air can help!
5. Ask for feedback.
Asking for feedback is a good way to learn about yourself, how others perceive you, and what changes can be made to improve yourself. Once you know about these things, then it is up to you to make the necessary steps to become a better person.

6. Smile.
I know you may have heard this before but smiling has many benefits. Smiling can help increase positive feelings in both yourself and others. It is also proven that smiling allows people to see us as more likable and attractive.
7. Give compliments to boost your own self-esteem.
Giving compliments is a great way to acknowledge another persons strengths or talents without any ill intentions. When giving a compliment, speak with sincerity and be specific about what it is that they do well: I love your work on this project sounds better than Your work is terrific! Be sure not just to compliment them on their physical appearance; compliment them on their character as well!
8. Resist worrying about what others think.
One of the best things you can do is to stop worrying so much about what other people think. The only opinion that matters is your own! As long as you’re doing what you think is best, and doing your best, your self-esteem will naturally improve.
9. Read or listen something inspirational.
Reading or listening to something that inspires you can also help give you a boost. Everyone has gone through difficult situations, but there are plenty of stories out there about people who have overcome those issues and found success in life. These stories can be very inspiring, showing you that there’s hope for a better future! This content can also make you feel more optimistic, which will certainly help you feel confident and put you in a better mood. Check out my free mp3, Unveil the Power of Elephants for inspiration!
10. Do something kind for someone else
And do so anonymously! You will feel good knowing that you made someones day just a little bit better without being recognized for it, and this will make you better appreciate your own kindnesses as well as the blessings in your own life.
11. Stay away from negative people.
Finally, it’s important to stay away from negative people who always seem to put you down or make you feel bad about yourself. Try to surround yourself with positive people who lift you up rather than try to drag you down! This will help keep your spirits high and improve your self-esteem dramatically. Sometimes we just need a reminder.
I hope these tips on increasing confidence will be helpful in your life today and every day. Whether or not you decide to follow them all at once, I think they’re good reminders to keep yourself moving forward while being happy at every moment along the way.

Im Twanna Carter, Ph.D., and I help high achieving professional women who are anxious about transitioning into a new career, have absolute confidence and belief in their own abilities, so they can communicate their unique value, honor their true purpose, and boldly pursue their dream career.
Looking for more info? Access my Free Career Resource Library guide here.
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