happy successful female business team; Black career coach for women; career advancement strategies

Career Advancement

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track

June 3, 2024

happy successful female business team; Black career coach for women; career advancement strategies

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track

Despite breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, many Black women find their careers inexplicably stalling. It’s time to uncover some lesser-known career advancement strategies that can reignite your professional journey.

Imagine climbing a mountain, only to find yourself stuck halfway, unable to see the peak despite your relentless efforts and unwavering determination. This is a reality many face in their careers, where hard work and talent seem to hit an invisible barrier. The frustration of feeling overlooked, even when you’ve put in the time and effort, is a sentiment shared by many.

Career advancement can often feel like navigating a labyrinth, with hidden pitfalls and unexpected detours. But what if there were some lesser-known paths that could lead you to your desired destination? This blog aims to shed light on five such strategies that can help you overcome career stagnation and reignite your progress. By the end of this journey, you will feel equipped and empowered to take the next step confidently.

Career advancement strategies #1 – Create a Career Advisory Board

a white keyboard with a red arrow drawn on it; Strategies-to-advance-your-career

Imagine having your own personal board of directors, a team of trusted colleagues, mentors, and industry experts who are dedicated to helping you succeed. This is the essence of a Career Advisory Board – a diverse group of advisors providing you with invaluable career advice, networking opportunities, and support.

Creating a Career Advisory Board starts with identifying the right people to join. These should be individuals who not only have expertise in your field but also understand the unique challenges you face. Invite them personally, explaining your vision and how their insights can be instrumental in your career growth.


Once your board is established, leverage their knowledge and connections. Regularly seek their advice on career decisions, ask for feedback on your progress, and explore opportunities for collaboration. Keep the communication lines open and update them on your achievements and goals.

  • Who are the key individuals who can provide diverse insights into your career?
  • How can a career advisory board help you navigate complex career decisions?
Case Studies

Consider the story of Alicia*, a marketing executive who felt her career had plateaued. By assembling a career advisory board, she gained perspectives from various fields – from technology to finance. This diverse input helped her see new opportunities, such as leading a cross-functional project that showcased her leadership skills and resulted in a promotion.

Career advancement strategies #2 – Master the Art of Intrapreneurship

Have you ever looked around your workplace and thought, “There must be a better way to do this”? If so, you might have the makings of a great intrapreneur. Intrapreneurship involves acting like an entrepreneur within your own organization, driving innovation, and leading projects that can make a significant impact. This strategy can be a game-changer for your career, showcasing your leadership and creativity while addressing real organizational needs.

a group of people sitting around a table; Employee-career-development
Identifying Opportunities for Innovation

The first step to mastering intrapreneurship is to identify areas within your company that could benefit from innovative solutions. This might be a process that needs streamlining, a product that could be improved, or a new market that hasn’t been tapped. Pay attention to pain points in your daily work or listen to your colleagues’ frustrations. These can often be goldmines for potential intrapreneurial projects.

For example, Tanya, a mid-level manager in a tech firm, noticed that the customer feedback loop was inefficient, causing delays in product updates. She proposed a new feedback system that not only streamlined the process but also increased customer satisfaction. This initiative not only solved a significant problem but also highlighted Tanya’s ability to think critically and act decisively.

Pitching and Leading Intrapreneurial Projects

Once you’ve identified an opportunity, the next step is to pitch your idea. This involves clearly articulating the problem, your proposed solution, and the potential benefits to the company. Creating a compelling business case that includes data and projected outcomes can significantly increase your chances of getting buy-in from senior leadership.

Leading the project effectively is crucial. This means setting clear goals, assembling a capable team, and managing the project diligently. Keeping stakeholders informed and involved throughout the process ensures support and resources when needed.

Gaining Recognition and Advancing Your Career

Successfully leading an intrapreneurial project can earn you significant recognition within your organization. It demonstrates your ability to innovate, manage projects, and deliver results, all of which are key qualities for career advancement. As you build a reputation for being a problem-solver and a leader, more opportunities for growth and leadership roles are likely to come your way.

Consider another story of Rachel, who, by leading a successful green initiative in her company, not only helped reduce costs but also positioned herself as a thought leader in sustainability. This project propelled her into a senior leadership role and opened doors to new career opportunities.

Career advancement strategies #3 – Leverage Microlearning for Continuous Development

In today’s fast-paced world, staying competitive often means constantly updating your skills. Traditional methods of learning can be time-consuming and sometimes overwhelming. Enter microlearning—a strategy that involves short, focused learning modules to help you develop new skills quickly and efficiently.

Identifying Relevant Microlearning Resources

The beauty of microlearning lies in its flexibility. There are countless resources available, from mobile apps and online courses to short videos and podcasts. Identifying the right resources depends on the skills you want to develop. Platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Khan Academy offer a wide range of topics that can help you stay ahead in your field.

For instance, when Laura, a marketing director, wanted to improve her digital marketing skills, she turned to microlearning modules on Google Analytics and SEO from reputable online platforms. These short, targeted lessons fit easily into her busy schedule and quickly enhanced her skill set.

Integrating Microlearning into Your Daily Routine

One of the key advantages of microlearning is that it can be easily integrated into your daily routine. Which makes it great for employee career development. Whether it’s during your morning commute, lunch break, or before bed, microlearning allows you to make the most of your time. Setting aside just 15-20 minutes a day can lead to substantial skill development over time.

Think of microlearning as the fitness regimen for your mind. When you exercise them, your build strong professional growth strategies. Just as consistent short workouts can lead to significant health improvements, regular microlearning sessions can lead to substantial professional growth.

Tracking Progress and Applying New Skills

To maximize the benefits of microlearning, it’s essential to track your progress and apply new skills to your job. Keeping a learning journal or using apps that track your progress can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. More importantly, find ways to apply what you’ve learned in your daily tasks. This not only reinforces the new skills but also demonstrates your proactive approach to professional growth.

Take the example of Michelle, an HR manager who used microlearning to stay updated on the latest in employee engagement strategies. By consistently applying new techniques learned through short courses, she was able to significantly improve her company’s employee retention rates, earning her accolades and a promotion.

Career advancement strategies #4 Practice Radical Self-Advocacy

Imagine being in a meeting where your ideas are consistently overshadowed, and your contributions seem invisible. For many, this is a frustrating reality. However, practicing radical self-advocacy can transform this scenario, ensuring that your achievements are recognized and rewarded.

Career Advancement: Techniques for Effectively Communicating Your Achievements and Value

The first step in self-advocacy is effectively communicating your achievements and value. This involves articulating your accomplishments clearly and confidently, whether in meetings, performance reviews, or casual conversations. Create a “brag file” – a collection of emails, letters, and notes that highlight your successes. Use this file to prepare for discussions about your performance and career goals.

For example, Karen, a project manager, kept track of her team’s milestones and her role in achieving them. During her annual review, she presented this file, demonstrating her significant contributions to the company’s success. This proactive approach led to a well-deserved promotion.

Overcoming Barriers to Self-Advocacy

Self-advocacy often requires overcoming barriers like imposter syndrome and cultural biases. Imposter syndrome can make you feel undeserving of your achievements, while cultural biases might cause your contributions to be undervalued. Recognizing these barriers is the first step to overcoming them.

Developing a strong support system can help combat these issues. Surround yourself with mentors and allies who can offer guidance and affirm your value. Additionally, practice positive self-talk and affirmations to build your confidence.

Setting and Negotiating Career Goals with Confidence

Confidently setting and negotiating career goals is a crucial aspect of self-advocacy. Begin by clearly defining your career aspirations and what you need to achieve them. Whether it’s a promotion, a raise, or professional development opportunities, be prepared to negotiate assertively.

Consider the story of Lisa, an IT specialist who felt she was underpaid compared to her peers. After researching industry standards and preparing her case, she confidently approached her manager to negotiate a raise. Her well-prepared argument and assertiveness not only secured the raise but also earned her respect within the organization.

Career advancement strategies #5 – Invest in Professional Coaching

Navigating career challenges can sometimes feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle without a clear picture. This is where professional career coaching can make a significant difference. Working with a career coach provides you with personalized guidance, helping you unlock your potential and achieve your career goals.

Identify Specific Areas Where Coaching Can Provide Support

A career coach I provide support in various areas, such as building confidence, enhancing negotiation skills, and developing leadership abilities. I can help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, creating a tailored plan to help you advance your career.

For instance, Samantha*, a finance executive, felt stuck in her current role. She came to me for help to identify her unique strengths and how to leverage them. Through targeted coaching sessions, Samantha gained the confidence which led her to pursue and secure a higher leadership position.

Explore Different Coaching Styles and Find the Right Match

Not all coaches are the same, and finding the right match is essential. Some coaches focus on goal-setting and accountability, while others emphasize personal development and emotional intelligence. Research and interview potential coaches to understand their styles and how they align with your needs. Get more insights by watching this Youtube video The Top 7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Career Coach.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations with Your Coach

Once you’ve chosen a coach, setting clear goals and expectations is crucial. Outline what you hope to achieve through coaching and establish a timeline for these goals. Regularly review your progress with your coach and adjust your plan as needed.

Consider the experience of Michelle, a marketing professional who struggled with public speaking. Her coach helped her set specific goals, such as speaking at small meetings and gradually building up to larger presentations. With each step, Michelle’s confidence grew, and she eventually became a sought-after speaker at industry conferences.

Wrapping It Up

Career advancement can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, but these five career advancement strategies have the power to transform your journey. Let’s recap and emphasize their potential to reignite your professional path.

Recap of the Five Career Advancement Strategies to Advance Your Career

  1. Create a Career Advisory Board
    Form a diverse team of trusted advisors to guide your career. Their insights can open new opportunities.
  2. Master the Art of Intrapreneurship
    Innovate within your organization to showcase leadership and problem-solving skills. Drive impactful projects for recognition.
  3. Leverage Microlearning for Continuous Development
    Use short, focused learning modules to keep your skills sharp. Integrate microlearning into your daily routine.
  4. Practice Radical Self-Advocacy
    Confidently communicate your achievements to ensure recognition. Overcome imposter syndrome and advocate for yourself.
  5. Invest in Professional Coaching
    Seek personalized guidance from a career coach. Set clear goals and leverage their support to advance your career.

You know your worth. But sometimes the climb to the top can feel lonely.

That’s where these strategies come in. They’re designed for Black women like you, who are ready to dominate their careers.

  • Build your power circle. We all need a crew to watch our backs and celebrate our wins. Forget “advisory boards” – create a network of queens who understand your journey.
  • Become an intrapreneur. You have brilliant ideas. Don’t wait for permission. Be the change you want to see in your company.
  • Sharpen your hustle. Microlearning lets you become an expert in bite-sized pieces. No more time wasted on fluff – get the knowledge you need, fast.
  • Be your biggest cheerleader. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you how amazing you are. Advocate for yourself, your ideas, and your worth.
  • Invest in you. A good coach is like having a personal hype-woman and strategist rolled into one. Find someone who sees your potential and helps you unleash it.

Ready to take your career to the next level? Schedule your free Career Solution Consultation with me. Let’s chat about how to implement these strategies and turn your goals into reality.

This is your time to shine. Let’s go!

Watch my recent video on Youtube

beautiful Black coaching wearing purple leather jacket Confidence coaching for women Personal coaching Mental fitness coaching I changed career paths Change careers Thinking of all of you Entrepreneur coaching program strategic career planning for women over 40 in tech strategic career planning for mid-career professionals how to create a career plan career development tips career goals examples career planning resources; workplace bullying; Career stagnation solutions, Overcoming career plateau, Breaking career standstill, Strategies for career advancement, Career growth after stagnation, Tips for overcoming career stagnation, Moving past career inertia, Career development after stagnation, Escaping career stagnation trap, Career progression following stagnation, Addressing career stagnation issues, Combatting career stagnation challenges, Career revitalization post-stagnation, Navigating career stagnation obstacles, Career momentum after stagnation, Career regret in Maryland, Career regret in DC, Career regret in DMV, career coaching services inVirginia, career coaching services in Maryland, career coaching services in DC, career coaching services in DMV,
Twanna Carter, PhD, PCC, Career Coach. Photo by Renee Wilhite

I’m an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and career coach for Twanna Carter Professional & Personal Coaching, LLC. I flubbed my first career transition from the military so badly, it took me the next 10+ years to build my confidence and  recover. I know what it feels like to struggle with imposter syndrome and uncertainty about my worth in the workplace. It’s why I am dedicated to empowering Black women. Helping them navigate change and uncertainty by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to be successful. Schedule a free 30-Minute Career Solution Call today.

Curated Reads: Essential Books to Add to Your Personal Library 

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*All names have been changed

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Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track

June 3, 2024

Career Advancement

happy successful female business team; Black career coach for women; career advancement strategies

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track

Despite breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, many Black women find their careers inexplicably stalling. It’s time to uncover some lesser-known career advancement strategies that can reignite your professional journey.

Imagine climbing a mountain, only to find yourself stuck halfway, unable to see the peak despite your relentless efforts and unwavering determination. This is a reality many face in their careers, where hard work and talent seem to hit an invisible barrier. The frustration of feeling overlooked, even when you’ve put in the time and effort, is a sentiment shared by many.

Career advancement can often feel like navigating a labyrinth, with hidden pitfalls and unexpected detours. But what if there were some lesser-known paths that could lead you to your desired destination? This blog aims to shed light on five such strategies that can help you overcome career stagnation and reignite your progress. By the end of this journey, you will feel equipped and empowered to take the next step confidently.

Career advancement strategies #1 – Create a Career Advisory Board

a white keyboard with a red arrow drawn on it; Strategies-to-advance-your-career

Imagine having your own personal board of directors, a team of trusted colleagues, mentors, and industry experts who are dedicated to helping you succeed. This is the essence of a Career Advisory Board – a diverse group of advisors providing you with invaluable career advice, networking opportunities, and support.

Creating a Career Advisory Board starts with identifying the right people to join. These should be individuals who not only have expertise in your field but also understand the unique challenges you face. Invite them personally, explaining your vision and how their insights can be instrumental in your career growth.


Once your board is established, leverage their knowledge and connections. Regularly seek their advice on career decisions, ask for feedback on your progress, and explore opportunities for collaboration. Keep the communication lines open and update them on your achievements and goals.

  • Who are the key individuals who can provide diverse insights into your career?
  • How can a career advisory board help you navigate complex career decisions?
Case Studies

Consider the story of Alicia*, a marketing executive who felt her career had plateaued. By assembling a career advisory board, she gained perspectives from various fields – from technology to finance. This diverse input helped her see new opportunities, such as leading a cross-functional project that showcased her leadership skills and resulted in a promotion.

Career advancement strategies #2 – Master the Art of Intrapreneurship

Have you ever looked around your workplace and thought, “There must be a better way to do this”? If so, you might have the makings of a great intrapreneur. Intrapreneurship involves acting like an entrepreneur within your own organization, driving innovation, and leading projects that can make a significant impact. This strategy can be a game-changer for your career, showcasing your leadership and creativity while addressing real organizational needs.

a group of people sitting around a table; Employee-career-development
Identifying Opportunities for Innovation

The first step to mastering intrapreneurship is to identify areas within your company that could benefit from innovative solutions. This might be a process that needs streamlining, a product that could be improved, or a new market that hasn’t been tapped. Pay attention to pain points in your daily work or listen to your colleagues’ frustrations. These can often be goldmines for potential intrapreneurial projects.

For example, Tanya, a mid-level manager in a tech firm, noticed that the customer feedback loop was inefficient, causing delays in product updates. She proposed a new feedback system that not only streamlined the process but also increased customer satisfaction. This initiative not only solved a significant problem but also highlighted Tanya’s ability to think critically and act decisively.

Pitching and Leading Intrapreneurial Projects

Once you’ve identified an opportunity, the next step is to pitch your idea. This involves clearly articulating the problem, your proposed solution, and the potential benefits to the company. Creating a compelling business case that includes data and projected outcomes can significantly increase your chances of getting buy-in from senior leadership.

Leading the project effectively is crucial. This means setting clear goals, assembling a capable team, and managing the project diligently. Keeping stakeholders informed and involved throughout the process ensures support and resources when needed.

Gaining Recognition and Advancing Your Career

Successfully leading an intrapreneurial project can earn you significant recognition within your organization. It demonstrates your ability to innovate, manage projects, and deliver results, all of which are key qualities for career advancement. As you build a reputation for being a problem-solver and a leader, more opportunities for growth and leadership roles are likely to come your way.

Consider another story of Rachel, who, by leading a successful green initiative in her company, not only helped reduce costs but also positioned herself as a thought leader in sustainability. This project propelled her into a senior leadership role and opened doors to new career opportunities.

Career advancement strategies #3 – Leverage Microlearning for Continuous Development

In today’s fast-paced world, staying competitive often means constantly updating your skills. Traditional methods of learning can be time-consuming and sometimes overwhelming. Enter microlearning—a strategy that involves short, focused learning modules to help you develop new skills quickly and efficiently.

Identifying Relevant Microlearning Resources

The beauty of microlearning lies in its flexibility. There are countless resources available, from mobile apps and online courses to short videos and podcasts. Identifying the right resources depends on the skills you want to develop. Platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and Khan Academy offer a wide range of topics that can help you stay ahead in your field.

For instance, when Laura, a marketing director, wanted to improve her digital marketing skills, she turned to microlearning modules on Google Analytics and SEO from reputable online platforms. These short, targeted lessons fit easily into her busy schedule and quickly enhanced her skill set.

Integrating Microlearning into Your Daily Routine

One of the key advantages of microlearning is that it can be easily integrated into your daily routine. Which makes it great for employee career development. Whether it’s during your morning commute, lunch break, or before bed, microlearning allows you to make the most of your time. Setting aside just 15-20 minutes a day can lead to substantial skill development over time.

Think of microlearning as the fitness regimen for your mind. When you exercise them, your build strong professional growth strategies. Just as consistent short workouts can lead to significant health improvements, regular microlearning sessions can lead to substantial professional growth.

Tracking Progress and Applying New Skills

To maximize the benefits of microlearning, it’s essential to track your progress and apply new skills to your job. Keeping a learning journal or using apps that track your progress can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. More importantly, find ways to apply what you’ve learned in your daily tasks. This not only reinforces the new skills but also demonstrates your proactive approach to professional growth.

Take the example of Michelle, an HR manager who used microlearning to stay updated on the latest in employee engagement strategies. By consistently applying new techniques learned through short courses, she was able to significantly improve her company’s employee retention rates, earning her accolades and a promotion.

Career advancement strategies #4 Practice Radical Self-Advocacy

Imagine being in a meeting where your ideas are consistently overshadowed, and your contributions seem invisible. For many, this is a frustrating reality. However, practicing radical self-advocacy can transform this scenario, ensuring that your achievements are recognized and rewarded.

Career Advancement: Techniques for Effectively Communicating Your Achievements and Value

The first step in self-advocacy is effectively communicating your achievements and value. This involves articulating your accomplishments clearly and confidently, whether in meetings, performance reviews, or casual conversations. Create a “brag file” – a collection of emails, letters, and notes that highlight your successes. Use this file to prepare for discussions about your performance and career goals.

For example, Karen, a project manager, kept track of her team’s milestones and her role in achieving them. During her annual review, she presented this file, demonstrating her significant contributions to the company’s success. This proactive approach led to a well-deserved promotion.

Overcoming Barriers to Self-Advocacy

Self-advocacy often requires overcoming barriers like imposter syndrome and cultural biases. Imposter syndrome can make you feel undeserving of your achievements, while cultural biases might cause your contributions to be undervalued. Recognizing these barriers is the first step to overcoming them.

Developing a strong support system can help combat these issues. Surround yourself with mentors and allies who can offer guidance and affirm your value. Additionally, practice positive self-talk and affirmations to build your confidence.

Setting and Negotiating Career Goals with Confidence

Confidently setting and negotiating career goals is a crucial aspect of self-advocacy. Begin by clearly defining your career aspirations and what you need to achieve them. Whether it’s a promotion, a raise, or professional development opportunities, be prepared to negotiate assertively.

Consider the story of Lisa, an IT specialist who felt she was underpaid compared to her peers. After researching industry standards and preparing her case, she confidently approached her manager to negotiate a raise. Her well-prepared argument and assertiveness not only secured the raise but also earned her respect within the organization.

Career advancement strategies #5 – Invest in Professional Coaching

Navigating career challenges can sometimes feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle without a clear picture. This is where professional career coaching can make a significant difference. Working with a career coach provides you with personalized guidance, helping you unlock your potential and achieve your career goals.

Identify Specific Areas Where Coaching Can Provide Support

A career coach I provide support in various areas, such as building confidence, enhancing negotiation skills, and developing leadership abilities. I can help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, creating a tailored plan to help you advance your career.

For instance, Samantha*, a finance executive, felt stuck in her current role. She came to me for help to identify her unique strengths and how to leverage them. Through targeted coaching sessions, Samantha gained the confidence which led her to pursue and secure a higher leadership position.

Explore Different Coaching Styles and Find the Right Match

Not all coaches are the same, and finding the right match is essential. Some coaches focus on goal-setting and accountability, while others emphasize personal development and emotional intelligence. Research and interview potential coaches to understand their styles and how they align with your needs. Get more insights by watching this Youtube video The Top 7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Career Coach.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations with Your Coach

Once you’ve chosen a coach, setting clear goals and expectations is crucial. Outline what you hope to achieve through coaching and establish a timeline for these goals. Regularly review your progress with your coach and adjust your plan as needed.

Consider the experience of Michelle, a marketing professional who struggled with public speaking. Her coach helped her set specific goals, such as speaking at small meetings and gradually building up to larger presentations. With each step, Michelle’s confidence grew, and she eventually became a sought-after speaker at industry conferences.

Wrapping It Up

Career advancement can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, but these five career advancement strategies have the power to transform your journey. Let’s recap and emphasize their potential to reignite your professional path.

Recap of the Five Career Advancement Strategies to Advance Your Career

  1. Create a Career Advisory Board
    Form a diverse team of trusted advisors to guide your career. Their insights can open new opportunities.
  2. Master the Art of Intrapreneurship
    Innovate within your organization to showcase leadership and problem-solving skills. Drive impactful projects for recognition.
  3. Leverage Microlearning for Continuous Development
    Use short, focused learning modules to keep your skills sharp. Integrate microlearning into your daily routine.
  4. Practice Radical Self-Advocacy
    Confidently communicate your achievements to ensure recognition. Overcome imposter syndrome and advocate for yourself.
  5. Invest in Professional Coaching
    Seek personalized guidance from a career coach. Set clear goals and leverage their support to advance your career.

You know your worth. But sometimes the climb to the top can feel lonely.

That’s where these strategies come in. They’re designed for Black women like you, who are ready to dominate their careers.

  • Build your power circle. We all need a crew to watch our backs and celebrate our wins. Forget “advisory boards” – create a network of queens who understand your journey.
  • Become an intrapreneur. You have brilliant ideas. Don’t wait for permission. Be the change you want to see in your company.
  • Sharpen your hustle. Microlearning lets you become an expert in bite-sized pieces. No more time wasted on fluff – get the knowledge you need, fast.
  • Be your biggest cheerleader. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you how amazing you are. Advocate for yourself, your ideas, and your worth.
  • Invest in you. A good coach is like having a personal hype-woman and strategist rolled into one. Find someone who sees your potential and helps you unleash it.

Ready to take your career to the next level? Schedule your free Career Solution Consultation with me. Let’s chat about how to implement these strategies and turn your goals into reality.

This is your time to shine. Let’s go!

Watch my recent video on Youtube

beautiful Black coaching wearing purple leather jacket Confidence coaching for women Personal coaching Mental fitness coaching I changed career paths Change careers Thinking of all of you Entrepreneur coaching program strategic career planning for women over 40 in tech strategic career planning for mid-career professionals how to create a career plan career development tips career goals examples career planning resources; workplace bullying; Career stagnation solutions, Overcoming career plateau, Breaking career standstill, Strategies for career advancement, Career growth after stagnation, Tips for overcoming career stagnation, Moving past career inertia, Career development after stagnation, Escaping career stagnation trap, Career progression following stagnation, Addressing career stagnation issues, Combatting career stagnation challenges, Career revitalization post-stagnation, Navigating career stagnation obstacles, Career momentum after stagnation, Career regret in Maryland, Career regret in DC, Career regret in DMV, career coaching services inVirginia, career coaching services in Maryland, career coaching services in DC, career coaching services in DMV,
Twanna Carter, PhD, PCC, Career Coach. Photo by Renee Wilhite

I’m an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and career coach for Twanna Carter Professional & Personal Coaching, LLC. I flubbed my first career transition from the military so badly, it took me the next 10+ years to build my confidence and  recover. I know what it feels like to struggle with imposter syndrome and uncertainty about my worth in the workplace. It’s why I am dedicated to empowering Black women. Helping them navigate change and uncertainty by providing them with the tools and strategies they need to be successful. Schedule a free 30-Minute Career Solution Call today.

Curated Reads: Essential Books to Add to Your Personal Library 

Read these next…

*All names have been changed

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Meet Dr. Twanna

Welcome to my blog! As a passionate reader and travel enthusiast, I've spent years soaking up stories from diverse cultures and landscapes. 
I am committed to creating an empowering space where Black women can celebrate their achievements, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration for their journey.
I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!

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With this guide discover the keys to unlocking professional growth, uniquely crafted for Black women by Black women.

Equip yourself with essential tools and tactics to shatter the glass ceiling and reach your career aspirations.


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The Ultimate Career Advancement Guide for Black Women