Black woman smiling; being managed out; The-best-Black-executive-coach_Twanna-Carter

Career Guidance

25 Signs You’re Being Managed Out of Your Job!

Is Your Boss Trying to Push You Out? Navigating the corporate world can be challenging, especially when you start to feel like your boss might be pushing you out. It’s a situation that many Black women face in the workplace, where subtle signs of being managed out can often go unnoticed. Here’s a list of […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

indoor-cropped-shot-black-standing-female-leaning-table-touching-lips-with-pen.; workplace bullying; Micromanagement bullying: "managing by nitpicking," "overcontrolling boss," "feeling stifled at work" Emotional bullying: "gaslighting in the workplace," "workplace manipulation," "toxic coworker behavior" Physical bullying: "workplace assault," "intimidation in the office," "physical aggression at work" Cyberbullying: "online harassment by coworker," "abusive work emails," "social media attacks by colleagues" Discrimination: "age discrimination at work," "gender discrimination in the workplace," "bullying based on disability", anxiety due to workplace bullying," "depression from work stress," "workplace bullying and insomnia"; "signs of workplace bullying" "difference between bullying and conflict" "recovering from the effects of workplace bullying" "long-term consequences of workplace abuse"; Black women, careers, Twanna Carter

Career Tips

Workplace Bullying and 6 Impacts on Black Women

Courageous Navigation Through Workplace Bullying In the vast ocean of the corporate world, envision a seasoned sailor – a mid-to-senior career Black woman – expertly navigating her vessel amid the turbulent waves of workplace bullying. This scenario is not drawn from fiction but reflects the reality many Black women face in their professional lives. Unlike […]

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2023/10/Tense-conversation-with-boss-sabotaging-boss-sabotage-career-guidance-551x462; supervisor yelling at an employee; Toxic boss signs Toxic boss workplace Toxic work environment Toxic work culture Toxic workplace environment;Toxic boss signs Toxic boss workplace Toxic work environment Toxic work culture Toxic workplace environment

Career Tips

10 Tips for Handling a Sabotaging Boss

Recognizing Signs Your Boss Is Sabotaging Have you ever felt like someone at work was quietly working against you, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it? Does you feel like you may be working for a sabotaging boss? That sneaky feeling might be due to something called workplace sabotage. It’s not always about […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Black woman dressed in blue sweater rubbing her temples; signs you are in a toxic workplace, red flags of a toxic workplace, how to tell if your work environment is toxic, signs you are being gaslighted at work, signs you are being bullied at work, signs you are being discriminated against at work, signs you are being harassed at work, Twanna Carter, career change, career development

Stress & Burnout

Top 20 Signs You Work in a Toxic Workplace

Do you know the signs you work in a toxic workplace? Is your workplace toxic? Some people enter the workplace with the best intentions, but end up in toxic work cultures that can make them feel very unhappy and unproductive. If you think this might be happening at your job, then it’s worth taking a […]

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Sign that reads "office politics; Office politics Twanna Carter How to get promoted in a political workplace, How to avoid office drama, How to handle workplace bullying, How to manage up, How to manage down, How to build a strong team, How to create a positive work culture, How to resolve office conflict

Career Tips

Secrets to Navigate Office Politics with Confidence

Recognizing the Landscape in Office Politics The Power Structures  Allies and Rivals  Communication Networks  Self-awareness and Self-management Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses to Navigate Office Politics Emotional Intelligence  Building Genuine Relationships The Power of Trust  Active Listening Networking  Communicating with Tact and Diplomacy How to resolve office conflict How to give and receive feedback effectively […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Stress & Burnout

Leaving a Toxic Workplace Can Be Difficult

  Research has shown that employees who are abused at work are more prone to pass that type of behavior on to other employees. This points to value of cleaning up toxic workplaces. But when that doesn’t happen, then this points to the reason you want to exit a toxic workplace. The entire organization can […]

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Meet Dr. Twanna

Welcome to my blog! As a passionate reader and travel enthusiast, I've spent years soaking up stories from diverse cultures and landscapes. 
I am committed to creating an empowering space where Black women can celebrate their achievements, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration for their journey.
I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!

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