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Career Tips

Rediscover Your Career – 3 Tips for Fulfillment

Have you ever woken up dreading the workday ahead, feeling tired, unfulfilled, and questioning whether you’re on the right career path? If so, you’re not alone. Many professionals reach a point in their careers where the excitement fades, and the daily grind becomes more draining than fulfilling. The good news is that it’s never too […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

What is quiet quitting__Twanna Carter; find best Black executive career coach

Career Guidance

What Is Quiet Quitting? Addressing the Silent Struggle

Addressing the Silent Struggle of Black Women in the Workplace What Is Quiet Quitting? Aisha* is a talented and driven Black woman who has spent over a decade climbing the corporate ladder to become a director. Every day, she walks into her sleek, modern office, a space that should reflect her hard-earned success and leadership. […]

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Career Tips

Trapped in the Wrong Career? Here’s How to Do a Career Shift

If you’ve been thinking that you’ll never find fulfillment in your work, I’m here to tell you that your dream career is possible with a career shift and the right mindset and actions. Many of us have found ourselves stuck in careers that don’t light us up. Whether it’s the weight of self-doubt, the paralyzing […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Black woman sitting at desk; 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Job Interviews_Twanna Carter; best executive career near; find best Black career coach near

Career Tips

Unlocking the Secrets: 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Job Interviews

Are you tired of sending resume after resume and not getting any response from potential employers? It can be frustrating when you’re putting in all the effort to find a job, but not getting any job interviews. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many job seekers face the same challenge. In this article, we […]

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Tired & Unfulfilled 3 Tips to Redefine Your Career_Twanna Carter; find Black coach near; best Black coach for women

Career Guidance

Tired & Unfulfilled? 3 Tips to Redefine Your Professional Career

Have you ever woken up dreading the workday ahead, feeling tired, unfulfilled, and questioning whether you’re on the right career path? If so, you’re not alone. Many professionals reach a point in their careers where the excitement fades, and the daily grind becomes more draining than fulfilling. The good news is that it’s never too […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

African woman thinking; find best executive near me; Twanna Carter

Career Transition

Is Your Career Path a Clear Roadmap or Just a Series of Detours?

Navigating the Maze of Career Stagnation Have you ever felt like your career path is a confusing maze without a clear exit? You’re not alone. Many professionals find themselves navigating a series of detours, unsure if they’re even on the right path toward their goals. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, […]

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Career Advancement

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track

Is Your Career Stalling? 5 Little-Known Career Advancement Strategies to Get You Back on Track Despite breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, many Black women find their careers inexplicably stalling. It’s time to uncover some lesser-known career advancement strategies that can reignite your professional journey. Imagine climbing a mountain, only to find yourself stuck halfway, […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

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Career Tips

Embracing Change: Your Guide to Mastering Career Transition

Ditch that old compass, for embracing change in your career. Thrive. Ascend. Evolve. This blog is your personalized blueprint for navigating the dynamic landscape of career change. As a high-achieving Black woman, you’ve conquered challenges and shattered expectations. But beneath the surface, a quiet ember of ambition flickers, urging you toward unexplored territories. This is […]

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Career Tips

Unveiling the #1 Career Regret and How to Fix It Now

Do you have a career regret? Well, meet Jasmine, a woman who climbed the corporate ladder with determination and grace. However, despite her achievements, there was a nagging feeling of career regret that lingered in her mind. She had never negotiated her salary, always accepting the first offer with little push back, and a grateful […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

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Career Tips

6 Essential Reasons Black Women Change Careers

In today’s dynamic professional environment, deciding to change careers has become a norm, marking a significant departure from the attitudes held twenty years ago. Consider the story of Tamia, a seasoned professional in the tech industry, who after years of climbing the corporate ladder, realized she was seeking something more meaningful than her current role […]

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Career Tips

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in Tech Industry: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a woman who works in the tech industry struggling with how to overcome imposter syndrome? Constantly feeling like a fraud? Does the fear of being exposed as an imposter hold you back from reaching your full potential? If so, you’re likely experiencing imposter syndrome – a psychological pattern that affects many professionals, especially […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

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Career Tips

A Guide to Strategic Career Planning: Master Your Career Destiny

Are you feeling stuck in your career? Unsure of how to navigate the ever-changing job market and take control of your professional future? Look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we will show you the path to mastering your career destiny through strategic career planning. As a seasoned professional, having a well-defined plan is crucial […]

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Picture of "success" and 2 hands; Twanna Carter career coach for salary negotiation, executive career coach, career coach for entrepreneurs, career coach for work-life balance, career coach for remote work, how to make a career change at 40

Career Tips

Redefining Success: What Every Professional Woman Should Consider

Challenging Traditional Measures of Success and Advocating Holistic Happiness The Evolving Definition of Success In past generations, society adhered to a rather stringent script regarding defining success for women. Success was often tied to marital status, motherhood, or auxiliary roles in professional settings. Fast forward to the present day, and the landscape of professional aspirations […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

A poster with Career in the middle; network, career guide, career guidance, career transition, Black woman, Black women, build confidence, career advancement for Black women,

Career Tips

The Ultimate Guide for Career Advancement for Black Women

As a career coach, I’ve seen firsthand what happens when Black women lack a career guide. They are often underrepresented and undervalued, and they may experience discrimination and microaggressions. Despite these challenges, Black women are incredibly talented and resilient. They are leaders, innovators, and change makers. Ultimate Career Guide That’s why I wrote the Ebook […]

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Black woman dressed in blue sweater rubbing her temples; signs you are in a toxic workplace, red flags of a toxic workplace, how to tell if your work environment is toxic, signs you are being gaslighted at work, signs you are being bullied at work, signs you are being discriminated against at work, signs you are being harassed at work, Twanna Carter, career change, career development

Stress & Burnout

Top 20 Signs You Work in a Toxic Workplace

Do you know the signs you work in a toxic workplace? Is your workplace toxic? Some people enter the workplace with the best intentions, but end up in toxic work cultures that can make them feel very unhappy and unproductive. If you think this might be happening at your job, then it’s worth taking a […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Sign that reads "office politics; Office politics Twanna Carter How to get promoted in a political workplace, How to avoid office drama, How to handle workplace bullying, How to manage up, How to manage down, How to build a strong team, How to create a positive work culture, How to resolve office conflict

Career Tips

Secrets to Navigate Office Politics with Confidence

Recognizing the Landscape in Office Politics The Power Structures  Allies and Rivals  Communication Networks  Self-awareness and Self-management Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses to Navigate Office Politics Emotional Intelligence  Building Genuine Relationships The Power of Trust  Active Listening Networking  Communicating with Tact and Diplomacy How to resolve office conflict How to give and receive feedback effectively […]

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4 beautiful Black women networking Confidence coaching for women Personal coaching Mental fitness coaching I changed career paths Change careers Career path Build confidence

Career Tips

The Importance of Networking in Today’s Digital Age

Has networking changed in the digital age? For most of us, yep. In today’s digital age, we all have access to the world literally at our fingertips. But there is one thing that has not changed since the invention of the internet: people still need other people. To be successful in business, you need to […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Power & Principles Confidently Commend Your Career coaching program flyer with 3 beautiful Black women. confidence be more confident change careers change jobs career change toxic work culture toxic workplace personal coaching

Career Tips

The Career Success Blueprint: Confidently Command Your Career

Confidently Command Your Career to Find Success What does it take to confidently find career success? We’ve answered that question. Above all, this coaching package is specifically designed to empower women executives and managers by providing personalized guidance and support as they navigate their career success. You are a woman executive or manager who is […]

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Career Tips

Why Career Coaching Is the Key to Success for Professional Women

If you were asked to describe a typical career coach, what would come to mind? Someone sitting behind a big desk with a notepad in one hand and an expensive pen in the other? Or maybe you think of an older man in a suit, sternly advising young professionals on how to move forward. In […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

successful Black women, using power pose; ; Career strategy women in tech Career development Confidence career advice Management consulting Career coach services Transferable skills career guidance Imposter syndrome Impostor syndrome Emotional intelligence Black woman Black women Life coach Executive presence Life coaching Resilience Resiliency Self esteem Self worth toxic workplace toxic boss toxic coworker how to leave toxic workplace how to leave toxic job Black coach Twanna Carter Stress anxiety Black women in tech highly successful women; How much does confidence coaching typically cost?, Are there any free confidence-building exercises I can do at home?, Can online coaches really help me overcome social anxiety?, I have a fear of public speaking. What are some tips to appear more confident?, Is there a confidence-building coach near me?, How can I negotiate a raise with more confidence?, Are there any confidence-building coaches in Maryland near me?, Are there any confidence-building coaches in Virginia near me?, Are there any confidence-building coaches in Washington, DC near me?, best online coaches to build confidence confidence coach for women confidence coach for women Maryland confidence coach for women Virginia confidence coach for women Washington DC Coaching Tips for Coaching Black women in leadership


Empowering Moves for Highly Successful Women Over 40

Are you one of those highly successful women over 40 who is looking to make a change in your career? If so, you’re not alone. Many women in their 40s and beyond find themselves at a crossroads in their careers. They may be feeling bored, unchallenged, or simply ready for a new challenge. If you’re […]

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Meet Dr. Twanna

Welcome to my blog! As a passionate reader and travel enthusiast, I've spent years soaking up stories from diverse cultures and landscapes. 
I am committed to creating an empowering space where Black women can celebrate their achievements, learn from their challenges, and find inspiration for their journey.
I hope you find value in these shared experiences and insights. Enjoy exploring!

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The Ultimate Career Advancement Guide for Black Women

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Mindful Leadership offers practical strategies to lead with authenticity, empathy, and purposeful decision-making.

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