If you’re self-assured, you’re better positioned to do the things that are necessary to advance in your career. You’re in control of how confident you appear at work. Use this checklist to build feelings of self-confidence and become highly valued at your workplace. Check out these 40 tips for ways to show your confidence at […]
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How challenging is self-care? It’s that time of year for many of us. Holiday season 2021 is here. And as much as it is “the most wonderful time of the year.” For many it is also the most stressful time of the year. High expectations. Spending time with people who we love…or not so much […]
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9 Lifesaving Tip How to Survive Hazing in a Toxic Workplace Before we talk about the 9 Lifesaving Tips on How to Survive Workplace Hazing in a Toxic Workplace, can we talk about vocational hazing for a moment? That’s just what I call it. You may also have heard it called corporate bullying. You may […]
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I’m willing to easily guess that your new job was not stressing you out when you first started! When we start our careers, we have these bursts of excitement and anticipation for what’s ahead. We’ve learned new skills and we’re now starting to climb the corporate ladder. In most cases, we expected pay increases frequently. […]
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Sometimes, stress can be good for you. It gives you the motivation to complete difficult tasks. Successfully managing stress provides feelings of satisfaction and confidence in your ability to handle challenging situations. A certain amount of stress is necessary for an organism to thrive. When faced with stressful situations, your body responds with a fight […]
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Discover How It Quietly Undermines Your Well-Being The concept of high functioning anxiety might not be familiar to everyone. Anxiety stands out as one of the most prevalent mental disorders. Globally, more than 284 million individuals experience anxiety, with women constituting over 60% of those affected. High functioning anxiety constitutes a subgroup. What I […]
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Are you one of those highly successful women over 40 who is looking to make a change in your career? If so, you’re not alone. Many women in their 40s and beyond find themselves at a crossroads in their careers. They may be feeling bored, unchallenged, or simply ready for a new challenge. If you’re […]
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Staying confident in a competitive workplace is certainly challenging at times. You may not be confined to a dedicated workspace with specific duties. The employees who understand their value are the ones who contribute the most to the organization. And remain competitive in the workplace. With fewer jobs available in many industries these days, you […]
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Boost Self-Confidence Who couldn’t use a little more self-confidence? Self-confidence can often be in short supply, but there are many ways you can get it back. When your self-confidence is lacking, take control of the situation and make yourself confident again. You can accomplish a lot more with self-confidence than you can without. Once you […]
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Knowing how to calm your anxiety quickly can never be overrated. Because living with an anxiety disorder can feel like constant vigilance, where any instant has the potential to unfurl into a slow-rising tide of panic. Life was flowing seamlessly one moment, only to transition suddenly. Your chest constricts, heart races. It’s as though a […]
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If you’ve ever found yourself worrying endlessly about worst-case scenarios seemingly out of nowhere, you’re not alone. Do any of the following sound familiar? I don’t know if I did well on that test Im never going to graduate from college, how will I get a job? I made a small mistake at work, and […]
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We’re all human and therefore we all have fears. Some of us fear death, others fear being alone, and others fear social situations. If you can think of it, there’s someone somewhere that’s afraid of it. But fear is a normal part of life! It’s what protects us and keeps us safe. There are times, […]
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If you want to banish anxiety and live a happy life, theres good news. You don’t have to do anything dramatic or overly challenging to regularly put a big smile on your face. Who couldn’t use a little cheer right now and a lot less anxiety? Only a few simple things are needed to experience […]
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Anxiety after lockdown is over? Theres a lot about COVID-19 thats anxiety-inducing for a large number of people. Even if they arent typically prone to anxious thoughts. People are worried about the virus itself and the impact it could have on themselves and their families. Theyre worried about their jobs, and the economic impact. At […]
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Everyone has their own natural response to stress, when its tough to be calm. Some of us have anxiety which causes us to be easily overwhelmed, while others seem to become more focused. While scientists have found that your response to stress is partly innate, much of it is learned. Meaning that anyone can […]
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Everything has changed in the past three months in major ways, including our mental health. More than 35 million people have lost their jobs in the United States, businesses have forced to shutter their doors. Shelter-in-place order are in effect, and everything from school to work to happy hours have been halted. One of the […]
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From Anxiety Anxiety can present at any age. I was an anxious child, from being afraid of the dark, to the constant fear of my parents dying, to being ashamed of walking across a room to sharpen my pencil in school. That anxiety became social anxiety during my teen years (although I wouldn’t know this […]
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In the Office It’s easy to stay motivated if you work in an office. That’s because your day might already be planned out, making it easier to stay motivated. With your coworkers giving you social interaction and your boss giving you accountability. However, working from home is much different. How can you get work done […]
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Let’s look at the relationship between resilience and anxiety. Even relatively moderate anxiety can significantly impact our lives, wreaking havoc before we realize whats happening. Making anxiety management difficult. It can cause us to make poor decisions, raise stress levels that hurts our health both short-term and long-term. It impacts our relationships and performance at […]
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Experiencing challenging phases in life can really test your mettle. When you encounter those bumps in the road, how do you react? Some people are anxious. Others are afraid. While others are angry. Your personal strength is what allows you t live up to a challenge. Are you able to deal effectively with these challenges […]
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