Black career coach on a book cover Confident introvert Confidence and power Anxiety and confidence Zero self esteem Zero confidence Your confidence Ways to gain confidence Unstoppable confidence To be more confident The power of self confidence The power of confidence The confidence coach Strong self confidence Self worth and self esteem Self worth Self esteem goals Self esteem coach Self confidence in leadership Self confidence hypnosis Self confidence coach Professional confidence Hypnosis for self esteem Hypnotherapy for confidence Having self confidence Get more confidence Confidence coach near me

Career Tips

Want a Better Career? 10 Tips to Help You Succeed In 2023

  The world of work has changed over the past few years. The internet has made it easier for people to find jobs anywhere in the world, and technology is revolutionizing careers every day. If you’re looking for a new job or career, these 10 tips can help you succeed in 2023. Track Your Successes […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

beautiful Black woman leaning on white chair Confident introvert Confidence and power Anxiety and confidence Zero self esteem Zero confidence Your confidence Ways to gain confidence Unstoppable confidence To be more confident The power of self confidence The power of confidence The confidence coach Strong self confidence Self worth and self esteem Self worth Self esteem goals Self esteem coach Self confidence in leadership Self confidence hypnosis Self confidence coach Professional confidence Hypnosis for self esteem Hypnotherapy for confidence Having self confidence Get more confidence Confidence coach near me peace and calm stress; salary negotiation for Black women


Tips to Find Peace and Calm During the Holiday Season

The holidays can be stressful. You’re busy with shopping, baking, and cooking, and making sure everything gets done before the big day. You’re also trying to make time for family gatherings, parties, and get-togethers with friends. It’s no wonder that a lot of people feel overwhelmed during this time of year! But if you keep […]

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beautiful Black woman working on a laptop Confident introvert Confidence and power Anxiety and confidence Zero self esteem Zero confidence Your confidence Ways to gain confidence Unstoppable confidence To be more confident The power of self confidence The power of confidence The confidence coach Strong self confidence Self worth and self esteem Self worth Self esteem goals Self esteem coach Self confidence in leadership Self confidence hypnosis Self confidence coach Professional confidence Hypnosis for self esteem Hypnotherapy for confidence Having self confidence Get more confidence Confidence coach near me

Career Tips

Is Doubt Key Reason Why You Can’t Move Forward in Your Career?

I’m going to be honest with you: I’ve never been much of a risk-taker. I had way too much doubt. And I actually said I NEVER wanted to be an entrepreneur. And there were plenty of times when my risk-averse personality kept me stuck in a job that didn’t make me happy. It wasn’t until […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Confident Black executive meeting with her team Confident introvert Confidence and power Anxiety and confidence Zero self esteem Zero confidence Your confidence Ways to gain confidence Unstoppable confidence To be more confident The power of self confidence The power of confidence The confidence coach Strong self confidence Self worth and self esteem Self worth Self esteem goals Self esteem coach Self confidence in leadership Self confidence hypnosis Self confidence coach Professional confidence Hypnosis for self esteem Hypnotherapy for confidence Having self confidence Get more confidence Confidence coach near me

Negative Thinking

7 Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking and Get on the Path to Success

Negative thinking can be a huge obstacle to your success. It can lead you to a mindset where you believe that you are not capable of achieving your goals, and even worse, it can cause you to give up before you even start. But there are ways to overcome this type of negative thinking so […]

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Stress & Burnout

5 Powerful Tips to Manage Stress in a Layoff

The beginning of a layoff is always hard, but with some planning and preparation you can make it much more manageable. Ive been through layoffs myself, and I’ve seen what works for many people in this situation. Follow these tips to manage stress and you’ll be able to manage your stress during the transition from […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

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Career Tips

7 Tips to Deal with Stress from Sabotaging Coworkers

So, you have a sabotaging coworker on your hands. How do you deal with them? The key is to take a deep breath and remember that the situation is not personal. It’s just about their own insecurities, frustrations, or professional jealousies. In this article we’re going to give some tips for dealing with toxic coworkers […]

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woman stepping off a cliff Confident introvert Confidence and power Anxiety and confidence Zero self esteem Zero confidence Your confidence Ways to gain confidence Unstoppable confidence To be more confident The power of self confidence The power of confidence The confidence coach Strong self confidence Self worth and self esteem Self worth Self esteem goals Self esteem coach Self confidence in leadership Self confidence hypnosis Self confidence coach Professional confidence Hypnosis for self esteem Hypnotherapy for confidence Having self confidence Get more confidence Confidence coach near me

Career Tips

How Can Women Avoid Falling off the Glass Cliff?

  What is the glass cliff? The glass cliff is a term that refers to the phenomenon in which women face a disadvantage in their careers when they are put in high-risk, high-profile positions. Evidence suggests that these positions are often more precarious and offer less opportunity for success. The glass cliff has had a […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Career Tips

What’s Mindset Got to Do with It?

Your mindset impacts every aspect of your life, from your relationships to your career. If yours is in the gutter, you’re going to have a hard time reaching your goals. But what exactly IS a good mindset? And is it really all that important? Let’s dive into this topic and see what all the fuss […]

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Career Tips

Why Career Coaching Is the Key to Success for Professional Women

If you were asked to describe a typical career coach, what would come to mind? Someone sitting behind a big desk with a notepad in one hand and an expensive pen in the other? Or maybe you think of an older man in a suit, sternly advising young professionals on how to move forward. In […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Career Tips

6 Reasons Why People Change Careers

People change careers for a variety of reasons.  Higher Salary and Better Benefits from Career Change Poor Leadership Motivates People to Change Careers A Toxic Culture  Flexibility You No Longer Believe in the Mission of Your Company You are unhappy at work Conclusion People change careers for a variety of reasons.  If you’re reading this, […]

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Anxiety Management

5 Steps I Used to Break through Social Anxiety

I used to have severe social anxiety. I know, I know it’s hard to believe. But it’s true! I  was also an extremely shy, introverted person with a fear of public speaking and a crippling fear of rejection. But then something happened that changed everything: I realized that life was too short for me not […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women


Is It Your Mindset That’s Keeping You Stuck?

Is your mindset keeping you stuck in a rut? You may be stuck in a job that isn’t fulfilling, because you think it’s going to give you the financial stability that will lead to happiness. Or maybe your habits are keeping you stuck. It could be your self-image, or fear of change. But what if […]

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Keys To Overcome Undermining & Self-sabotaging Yourself at Work


Conquer Self-Sabotaging & Thrive at Work – Proven Strategies

The habit of self-sabotaging is hard to break. So, the best thing you can do is to try to identify what’s triggering your actions. To break the cycle of self-sabotage, you first need to know what’s triggering your actions. For example, are you emptying the office of all its candy when you’re stressed out? Do […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Career strategy women in tech Career development Confidence career advice Management consulting Career coach services Transferable skills career guidance Imposter syndrome Impostor syndrome Emotional intelligence Black woman Black women Life coach Executive presence Life coaching Resilience Resiliency Self esteem Self worth toxic workplace toxic boss toxic coworker how to leave toxic workplace how to leave toxic job Black coach Twanna Carter Stress anxiety Black women in tech; self-esteem, self esteem


11 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem and Think Confidently

So you want to improve your self-esteem and confidence? We get it, we’ve all been there before. But don’t worry: you’re going to be just fine. There are plenty of simple things you can do to build confidence and feel better in no time. Here are a few of our favorites. 1. Why not start […]

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Stress & Burnout

Avoiding Job Search Burnout

Avoiding burnout is important. Burnout is when you feel exhausted, cynical, or unfulfilled by your job. It’s common among those who don’t have any control over their work or who have conflicting expectations placed upon them. But it’s also possible to burn out when you’re looking for a job especially if you’ve been at it […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Career coach confidence self esteem self confidence self worth be confident self esteem is building confidence boost confidence career strategy resilience resiliency resilience meaning emotional intelligence Impostor syndrome Imposter syndrome Imposter syndrome definition journaling improve your life


3 Simple Journaling Techniques to Improve Your Life

There are so many different ways for journaling, and if you’re new to the practice, it can be hard to know where to begin. If you’re looking for ideas or inspiration for your journaling practice, we’ve rounded up a list of some of the best journaling topics and techniques that can help you become a […]

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Career coach confidence self esteem self confidence self worth be confident self esteem is building confidence boost confidence career strategy resilience resiliency resilience meaning emotional intelligence Impostor syndrome Imposter syndrome Imposter syndrome definition self image

Career Tips

How Are Self-Image & Success are Linked?

How do you feel about your self-image? Have you ever felt like you’re living your life on autopilot? Like you do the same things every day without really thinking about them? Are you tired of feeling like a hamster on a wheel running and running, but getting nowhere? Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S., […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women


The Power of Self-Belief: Use It to Achieve Anything You Desire

Self-belief. If you believe in yourself, there is little that can stop you from accomplishing your goals. It gives you the ability to move ahead and fight the odds. You can get through any roadblock that comes your way by not giving up.You will also brush off the naysayers.When you stick to your self-belief, you […]

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Stress & Burnout

Leaving a Toxic Workplace Can Be Difficult

  Research has shown that employees who are abused at work are more prone to pass that type of behavior on to other employees. This points to value of cleaning up toxic workplaces. But when that doesn’t happen, then this points to the reason you want to exit a toxic workplace. The entire organization can […]

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Empowher Insights Blogs; Career Advice Empowering Black Women

Career Tips

How to Use Visualization for Career Success

The power of visualization is something that has been known to athletes for years. Top performers are also able to tap into the power of visualization and see themselves succeeding before they actually do in reality. This is something that has been able to translate over to career goals from top performers, and it is […]

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